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Itzy Ryujin x Reader

There it was again, flower petals all over your desk. It's been the 3rd time this week, you don't know who has been doing it. But your curious, people were whistling and gushing over how romantic it looked. "Wow, Y/N has an secret admirer everybody!" Says one of the girls walking by. You ignored their calls and brushed off some of the petals.

But you couldn't help but notice a few red splatters and dots decorating the desk as well. You brushed it off as you thought it was just from the petals, then the teacher came in and class as begun. While class was in session, your  friend Ryujin was covering their mouth. She looked as though she was sick, and you began to worry. After class you came up to her to ask if she was okay.

She replied by nodding her head and ran out of the classroom. And you following suit, you followed her (well chased) straight up the stairs into the rooftop. Once you got their you couldn't believe what you saw. Ryujin threw up flower petals.

The same exact flower petals you had on your desk. With the same exact pink color and shape, and their was blood splatters along it as well. After Ryujin was done, she fell on her knees and more petals came out of her mouth. You quickly ran up to her to try and see how you can help. "Y-Y/N," She said in between petals "I-I really like you"

"Those f-flower p-petals on your desk, t-there were f-from me" She continued, "I had put them on their to h-hint at you, that I-I liked you". You begun to tear up "I know" you replied before a tear could escape your eye. Ryujin began to feel weaker, she gagged up more flowers. The flowers growing in her lungs were getting bigger that she couldn't even breathe anymore. "Ryujin!" You yelled.

"Shin Ryujin! Don't you dare leave me! I love you!" You shook her body hoping that she would still be alive. You began to cry, Ryujins body began to feel weaker and lighter. "PLEASE DONT LEAVE ME!!!" You cried. You connected your lips to hers for the first time. But she stopped moving, you began to sob.

Your best friend since forever was gone, your heart was shattered. Then, you could hear breathing, Ryujin fluttered open her eyes.


The end

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