Chapter 3

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Amber's P.O.V

"What the hell is this!", I murmured to myself upon seeing my living room full of bouquets of  red roses. My entire living room full was filled with.... THOUSANDS OF RED ROSES!

"WOW!", lily's jaw dropped.

"Who the fuck broke into our house and done this thing!!", I panicked.

"No one stole your food, Relax!!", she mocked.

"No, I am serious. How can someone break into our house!!", I screeched.

Two minutes of silence prevailed among us while she admired the flowers.

"I am calling the police", I said in a low voice & dialled 911.

"They are on their way", I informed lily after hanging up the call while she was busy searching something in the flowers.

"What are you doing lily?", I asked.

"I am trying to find if there is something in these flowers", she said

After fifteen minutes of searching she flipped a piece of pink smooth paper at me. I looked at the piece of paper & was about to get a panic attack.

The paper said, " You're even more gorgeous than these thousands of roses".


"I don't know why but I feel it might be Liam. He is the one who is always hovering around you and flirting with you", she bit her lips. "Someone is head over heels for ya",she teased with a laugh.

How could she just laugh in this tense situation. After a couple of minutes, two police men reached our home & investigated the flowers.

"Is everything else in your home at their place?",the first one asked.

"Yes, everything seems fine except this mess", I rolled my eyes pointing at the flowers.

"Have you checked your CCTV records yet?", the next one interrogated.

"Not yet officer", lily replied while biting her nails. Bad habits!!

"Then let's go & check them first", they urged.

I bought my laptop & started the CCTV footage. Thankfully the CCTV's are connected to my laptop.

I sighed.

The policemen rewinded the footages and pinned their eyes on it and tried to notice every detail. After about half an hour we saw a man in black hoodie & was masked wearing black gloves & black sneakers inserted a duplicate key into the door & entered the home around 10 a.m in the morning when lily & I were at the work.

And a lot of men dressed like him followed him with those bouquets of roses & after they finally messed my livinv room they walked out of the house & locked the damn door!


"I need you to mail this footage to us",the officer seeked.

"How on earth will you find anything!! All the fucking intruders were masked & wore gloves.

"Leave that on us ma'am", the officers assured and walked out of the house.

"Is it Liam?", lily stated with a doubtful look.

"Why do you think so?", I replied.

"Liam seems kinda interested in you Amber & he is- umm- a little weird too",she hesitated a little.

"I don't think so because Liam just got to know my name this afternoon & the idiot who sent these flowers addressing my name was in morning.

"I assume you're right",she sighed & went to her room.

Now what am I supposed to do with these flowers! I cannot throw so many flowers all by myself.

I went to dustbin & threw the note in there. That note is keeps me reminiscing of that creep in black hoodie. I couldn't really focus on anything. My mind is totally stuck at that man in BLACK HOODIE!!

I walked towards the sofa where those flowers were  lying. I needed to clean this mess right now, and I already feel exhausted upon the thought of cleaning up suck a fucking MESS!!

"Lily", I called her out in a loud voice.

"I know you need help to clean that shit out", she groaned peeking through the staircases

After about an hour we finally cleaned everything. Lily became so damn tired & dozed off on the bean bag. I jumped on the sofa & let out a huge exhausting sigh from my lips. I still cannot stop racking my brains from thinking who the hell did this creepy shit.

Just in the middle of my thoughts my door bell rang that woke Lily up. I got up & pulled the door open.


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