Chapter 2.

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Evan Pov.

When I talked to my mom, i drove to the hospital as quickly as possible. Entering, i asked where my father's room was, and i rushed there. After asking which room my father was in, i moved there. Once in the right ward, i sat and hugged the crying mother, and looking at my father lying in a coma. IVL aparat made beeping sounds, showing signs of life. I also began to cry, and my mother hugged me to her chest. I loved my father very much, and he loved my mother and me.
"Mom, I'm afraid. What if dad doesn't survive? I don't want to lose him!" - i cried.
"Evan, son, everything will be fine! Doctors have not yet said the exact result. But they asked me to hope for the best." - said my mother, strocking my back.
"Can you stay with me?" - i asked through tears.
"Sorry, son. I will stay with your grandmother. But i will be in contact with you. Or you can come with me." - said mom.
"NO, mom. I will not leave my father!" - i almost shouted to the whole room.
Mom just kissed me on the forehead, and wished me hopes for the best, not thinking about the bad.
I didn't want to talk to anyone today. I just stayed in the ward, looking at my father. I didn't leave him a step, i kept waiting for him to wake up. Mom packed up and went to her mom - My grandmother, leaving me. My eyes full of tears, without interruption looked at my father's face, holding his hand. All hoping that he will wake up. Over time, i got tired. My eyes grew heavy and i fell onto father's couch, eyes closed.
The phone wakes me up. As i said, i didn't want to talk to anyone, but the call didn't give me peace. Jonathan called me. I had to answer the call.

Jonathan : "Hi Evan. Do you want to play GMOD?"

Evan : "Sorry, Jon. Not today. And i don't know what about tomorrow. Moreover, I'm not at home now! After the accident, my father fell into a coma, and now I'm in the hospital with him. I decided to stay with him in the hope that he will wake up."
I started crying, and then I let out a sob that Jonathan couldn’t help but hear.

Jonathan : "Evan? Are you crying?"

I could no longer listen to him, and canceled the call. The drops of my tears have turned into a waterfall. I squeezed my father's hand. "Dad. Please. If you can hear me, wake up. We need you."
My phone rang again, but i didn't answer. And i fell asleep again with the memories of how dad hugged me from childhood and said that I was finally born. How he waited for me when my mother was pregmant by me.

First dream:
I woke up in my nursery. I looked at myself. I was a child. I rememebered this when i was 4 years old. I sit on the floor surrounded by my favorite toys. I got up on my little feet, wanted to move towards the door of my room. But the door opened itself to show my parents.
"Evan, my little owlet. He himself comes to us." - mom said happily.
"Evan. Come here, my boy." - said the father, sitting down on one knee, opening his arms.
I ran into his arms.

Second dream:
It was my eighteenth birthday. My parents; my uncle - freand of my father; my aunts - friends of my mother, everyone celebrated my birthday. Here my father hands me a guitar wrapped in a gift paper. I can feel my eyes grow large and my smile widens.
"Happy birthday, my boy." - said my father with a smile.
I took the guitar, hugging my father tightly.
"Happy birthday, sunny." - said my mother, kisding me on the cheek.
"Now, make a wish and blow out the candles, nephew." - said my uncle, holding the cake in front of me.
I thought about a wish, and blew out the candles.

Third dream:
I ended up at PAX. And immediately i saw my friends: Jonathan, Luke, Bryce, Marcel, Craig, Tyler, David, Lui, Droid, Brian, Brock, Scotty and Anthony. They waved to me. I waved back. I immediately rememebered our first meeting in real life. I ran to them. They let me into their group hug. We laughed together.

Fourth dream:
I ended up in some incomprehensible place. I did not see the floor, although i was standing. The space was kind of colored. A mixture of pink, green and yellow. It looked beautiful. Sounds were heard, as if bells were ringing. Then i heard a voice echoing.

"Little bunny."

"Huh?" - i asked.

"Little bunny."

"Huh? Who is it?" - i asked again.

"It's me."

"Who is 'me'? Who are you? Do i know you?" - i asked, looking around.

"It's me. Your boyfriend."

"Boyfriend? But how did you decide that you are my boyfriend? I do not know you!" - i said.

"We'll see you soon. You will see everything. It will only take a few minutes of hours, and you will see me. Until then... wait. Wait."


I woke up from the sound that IVL aparat showed that the person was dead. I looked up to see that my father's heart IVL aparat had stopped. Stop! No! DAD! NO! NO! NO! DAD! PLEASE DON'T LEAVE ME!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2020 ⏰

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