Chapter 19: Moving to Positions

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The Next Morning

Yuna's POV

I got out of bed while helping NamJoon to pack the stuff that was needed as we would be staying at the mountains for my own safety.

"Bring a jacket and blanket alright? I'm sure it will be cold in the night.", NamJoon said and he pats my head nefore he heads down to prepare food for me in case I got hungry.

YeoSang came in and helps me to finsh packing while he checked on me if I was feeling alright. "You seemed nervous.", YeoSang said and I nod while I held his hand.

"Don't worry, all of us are here with you okay?", YeoSang said and I hugged him while he rubs my back.

After packing, both of us heads down to the kitchen where NamJoon finished packing some food for me while JiMin and TaeHyung wanted to scout the area just to make sure we weren't being watched.

I see ChangBin walking towards me and he smiles at me while I smiled at him back. JiMin called YeoSang over to go scouting while I let my brother go ahead since NamJoon and ChangBin was with me.

"Alright, Gimbap for lunch and burgers for dinner? Is that okay?", NamJoon asked and I nod with a smile while I helped him to put the food in the bag.

As NamJoon went to grab other things from the basement, I noticed ChangBin standing by the glass door as he seemed worried and I went to approach him.

"You alright?", I asked and ChangBin smiled with a nod as we looked outside together. "I'll make sure your scent won't be strong when I take you up to the mountain later.", he said.

I turned to look at him and said, "Can you promise me something?". He nods quietly and I wanted to say to him until NamJoon came back from the basement with a few torchlights in his hand.

ChangBin walks away and heads out to wait for JiMin and the others while I approached NamJoon as he and ChangBin weren't talking. "Hey, you still mad with him?", I asked and NamJoon looks at me while giving me a smile.

"Maybe.. Or not..", he said and I hit him lightly on the arm while I hoped that they would talk again just like last time.

- Later -

Yuna's POV

After JiMin and the others got back, we make our way to the battlefield while NamJoon helps to carry my bag.

I walked and I knew that I have to do something to keep my scent at the battlefield while I pricked my finger and I wiped the leaves with my blood. NamJoon noticed me doing it and smiled while I made sure it was enough for them to be crazy and easier to kill.

When we arrived at the spot, JiMin and TaeHyung nods at ChangBin since he needed to carry me to the mountains. "NamJoon hyung and YeoSang will meet you up there. Me and JiMin will continue to feed around the area. Make sure you guys feed too.", TaeHyung said and everyone agreed.

NamJoon placed a bandage on my finger while I apologized to him about the blood. "It's alright. It doesn't bother me anymore.", NamJoon said and gives me a kiss on the cheeks until we heard TaeHyung's clearing his throat.

"Alright, you lovers. Time to separate for a while.", TaeHyung said and I nod before NamJoon lets me go as I walked to ChangBin.

"Are we going to separate?", JiMin asked to tease TaeHyung and the rest of us starts laughing at them while TaeHyung glares at him before putting his arms around JiMin's neck.

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