Sleeping in till 8:30 pm

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Chapter 1

The date is 04/15/2020, or so I think. The time is 20:30. The day of the week is Sunday. I yawn and saunter out of bed. I'm still tired from staying up till 4 am hanging with Michael and Jared. Both of them are a year older than me, they decided to skip college while I am currently in college. And unlike doing the normal college deal they just sit around in a cabin 24/7 drinking booze till they sleep. It's kind of sad to think about it, but they aren't depressed or suicidal. They are just bored. I entertain myself by watching them do stupid shit, like jumping out of trees straight to the ground and taking another shot while sitting in a frozen pool. They are hardcore people, let me tell you. The good news is I'm the responsible one. I just watch and suggest not to do things. It's their fault whether they do it or not.

I look at the clock and it's 8:30 PM. I don't think I have ever slept in this late. I only stayed up until 4 am. I stretch and yawn before deciding that I should probably get out of bed. I am famished I'll just eat something after I make my bed. I make my bed so it's nice and neat for the next time I lay in it.

 As I walk out of my room I smell something weird. I look around the room smelling every nook and cranny including the dirty laundry hamper. I take my shirt and bring my head to my armpit. That awful smell was me.  I normally don't smell this bad and it is definitely  time for a hot shower to get rid of this horrible stench.. I grab a towel off the shelf in the linen closet and walk to the bathroom to turn the water on to warm it up. I live in the mountains, so you always have to wait five minutes if you want hot water.

While waiting for the shower to get hot I'll pick out some clothes to wear. I walk back to my bedroom and look in my closet for some answers. It's a little cold outside, so I'll wear something warm. I grab a pair of worn in levi's with big pockets to start. This black long sleeve will do, and these warm wool socks and hiking boots look got well with it. I pick out a concert sweatshirt from last summer, Star Wars boxers cause they are out of this world (Get it? out of this world). 

I bring my clothes to the bathroom and hop into the shower. The water is scalding hot, which means its the perfect temperature for me. I almost want my skin melting off of my back.I massage my neck and it aches from how long I slept. I rub the sleep from my eyes and as I do so my stomach is begins to growl. 

I guess it is time for me to leave the volcano and fill my stomach with delcious left over mac n cheese. Just thinking about it makes my stomach hurt more. 

I turn the knob off and grab the gray towel hanging up. I dry my chestnut colored hair a little before wrapping my towel around my waist. As I exit the bathroom I see an army of mist following behind me making the whole house look like a sauna, which I enjoy quite a bit. 

 I walk to the kitchen to get the leftover macncheese out of the fridge. As soon as I open the fridge a godawful stench filled the room. I stick my hand in the fridge and feel that there is no cold air coming from it. 

Why didn't mom take this stuff out of the fridge, it looks like it has gone bad weeks ago. I'll fix myself a bowl of off brand Cinnamon Toast Crunch instead. I go to grab the milk from the fridge, but then remember that everything is spoiled in the fridge. I  grab the milk and shake it. the consistency is closer to cheese than actual milk. 

Dry cereal it is...

As I walk through the dark kitchen I glance outside and see nothing but red. Flames engulf the earth like its a disease. Red, orange, and yellow. The trees look like thousands of burnt matches sticking out of the ground and the sky looks like the inside of a smoker's lung, charcoal black with hints of red and pink. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2020 ⏰

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