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Next day~

Author's pov

Taehyung was going to his class but then he saw someone. And then an evily smile appear on his face..

"Hey debadrita-ssi!"he called her while running towards her

Debadrita who was going to her class with jiwoo...

"Huh! Debadrita-ssi?" she turned around and said in shocked face..

"Yes debadrita-ssi I have something for you~" tae said in a cute way..

"Are you okay *she puts a hand on his forehead and other one is on her* nope your temperature is okay then. You are not sick. Then what happened why you trying to nice with me??" She said and frown her eyebrows

"Waee?? Can't I talk to you?" He said

"You can but why are you so nice to me today?" She asked

"Ah I just wanted to tell you something important"taehyung said

"Important talk with me *pointing her index finger to herself* she asked

"Yes important! Uh! Jiwoo if you don't mind can you?" Taehyung said

"Oh yes yes ofc she is all yours.. bye I'm going to class" jiwoo said winking at him and left

"What did you mean by all yours?" Deba asked but till then jiwoo left she sighed and looked at him

"Tell what do you wanna tell me?" She said

"Not here you know it's very important so I can't tell you right here" he explained

"Why what do want to tell me?? How much it's important??" She asked him but he held her hand and dragged her from hallway

*Kuch to garbar jarur hai daya* debadrita thought

Taehyung took her into an empty class.

"Now tell me what do want to tell"she asked

"I want to tell that" he said as heading towards her. As he came towards her, she also backsteping untill she felt a cold wall

"Wh-what are you wa-want to tell" she said lowing her head *aish why I Suttered* she thought

"I want to tell you that" he leaned over her as he got closed to her ears, she closed her eyes she cann felt his hot breathe against her neck

"I want to tell you that please hold my bag I want to go to toilet please wait for me then I'll tell you" as he said he ran away from the class

"MR.OBHODRO" she screamed

Riiiingggg riiiingggg

"Aishh the bell rings and where is that obhodro?" She said while waiting for taehyung in empty class room

Other side

*Now that dummy alien will have a punishment* taehyung said as he entered his classroom it was mr.Lee's class and he always came late to class and taehyung took this opportunity

"Fuck it's been 20min I'm late" she said as she rushed to her class

"Sir may I come in?" She said while she heavily panting

"Detention after college??" Mrs.kim said angrily. She is really scarier teach

"But Ma'am" she said but mrs.kim cut her sentence with "go take your seat and don't say anything don't disturb my class" she said

Debadrita went her sit and took her book
"Okay students let's continue"

'why I have to go detention when I'm in college?' she thought

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