part 3

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everyone started panicking and some people were getting ready to start killing to keep themselves safe, lee picked up vera's gun and pointed it at nerris and threatened her

nerris: w-wait don't shoot me

Lee: why should you live? you and all those other people started trying to kill to keep yourselves alive

nerris: we just wanted t keep our friends and family safe

Lee: shut up!

lee was about to shoot nerris but was stopped by red who picked up max's gun and shot lee in the back of his head killing him and his body fell to the floor

Ered: nerris, I know you were trying to protect others but murder is so uncool

nerris: you just murdered him!

ered: you were killing people before!

nerris: but he wasn't being a threat and I only killed 2 people

ered: he just pointed a gun at you! and I should of let him kill you  you're a murderer

nerris: I was trying to protect everyone else

meanwhile: basement

Malachi, Sanae, and mina are worried that they may need to kill someone to keep themselves alive and be the ones to make it out, they came to the stairs and tried walking up to them but pikeman and tabii ran down them and tabii pulled out a knife and pikeman ripped a metal pipe from the wall and they both tried attacking them and tabii stabbed mina in the neck causing her to fall over and mina pulls the knife out her neck and she starts bleeding out, Sanae picks up the knife and stabs tabii in her eye killing her and pikeman swing the metal pipe at Malachi's head killing him I one hit and Sanae stabs pikeman in the stomach as her rise to hit her with the pipe and pikeman drops the metal pipe and Sanae pucks it up and hits pikeman in the legs with it and starts beating his head in with it until his head was completely beaten in and he was killed 

meanwhile: nerris and ered

 Ered and Nerris have been arguing about whether killing is the right thing to do and bot become very annoyed with each other and both plan on killing the other

nerris and ered pull their guns on one another and start shouting at each other and were threatening to kill each other 

ered: I don't trust you anymore nerris

Nerris: put the gun away

ered: you first

both nerris and ered fire their guns at the same time shooting each other, ered shot nerris directly though the eye killing her and nerris shot ered in the neck and ered fell to the floor and bled to death

meanwhile: sasha

sasha ran to the armory to look for a weapon and she takes ou an assault rifle an is prepared to kill so she can live and she sees lucy, luan, lana, and lynn all hiding under a table and fires her rifle at them destroying the table and kill luan then lana then lynn but she didn't kill lucy

Sasha walked over to the bodies to confirm them as dead and lucy faked being dead and just before sasha left lucy grabbed her leg causing her to fall over and sasha tried shooting her but lucy had hold of the guns barrel and pointed it upwards so the ammo didn't shoot anyone and sasha was able to eventually overpower her and started firing into lucy's head killing her and leaving only 5 survivors left

the voice: there are now only 5 of you left I will now kill a random person with 0 kills through my own means

mabel. gwen, and gideon were all worried since they each had 0 kill and knew one of them will be killed

the person to have their head explosive detonate was: gwen whose tracer detonated making the back of her head explode killing her

the voice: the current kill tallies are:

mabel: 0 kills

gideon: 0 kills

sanae: 2 kills

sasha: 4 kills

meanwhile: stairs

sanae was walking up the stair with the knife she stabbed tabii with and the metal pipe she beat pikeman head in with, on the stairs she saw gideon who acted friendly towards her and when sanae let her guard down he kicked her down the stair injuring her but not killing her, he ran down the stairs to kill her and when he got near to her she started swinging the metal pipe to knock him over but he grabbed the knife and stabbed her in the back making her drop the metal pipe and cough up some blood and then gideon pulled the knife out her back then stabbed her in the neck killing her next


since mabel is the only person left alive with 0 kills her tracer is set to detonate killing her and leaving only 2 people left

the voice: gideon and sasha you are both the only two people left, only one of you may leave alive, if one of you are not dead within 5 minutes I will end one of your lives through my own means


Gideon heard Sasha shouting and slowly went up the stairs to subtly kill her and made up to her floor which got her attention and she pointed her rifle towards the door waiting for him to open it and as soon as the door opened she fired a lot of round at him killing him making her the last one alive

suddenly all the shutters surrounding the building started lowering and the armed guards came inside and escorted her out of the building and took her to a hanger and sat her down in a chair with an office chair in front of her which spun around to reveal 'the voice'

the voice: hello Sasha sorry for putting you through all that

Sasha: why did you do this?

the voice: this is part of an experiment to test the human mind, now can you answer me a few questions?

Sasha: fine

Alternate the belko experiment: multifandom editionWhere stories live. Discover now