Visions Not Dreams

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Oxana stood in a field looking at the woods before her. The field was a browning yellow as the season was changing. Which was this time of year, the present. She felt a slight breeze blow from behind her. As she watched she saw a young woman nervously looking around and then darted from the woods.

She recognized her as Varya and she had no idea what she was doing there. But she was glued to the spot and the sun was sinking now. A large timber wolf ran into the trees like Varya had. Oxana was rushing forward like a ghost and stood before the abandoned building.

Varya went in still looking overly nervous and she could see that the young woman was carrying something. She pried a board loose and went in, a few minutes later she came back out and left. Then the timber wolf she wasn't sure of showed sniffing around the place.

Oxana moved closer to the window trying to see inside. What was the importance of her seeing Varya so clearly? Dreaming this timber wolf she couldn't really pick out who it was. She saw two shapes in the building, they were talking and arguing. Then she was tossed back as the building exploded into flames sending her to the ground.

She stood outside of it screaming, someone she loved was in that building. Someone else was holding her back and the heat was so intense. She knew that going in would kill her, but she couldn't let them die! She saw a small fast moving shape, a small wolf she couldn't name once again go diving forward into the window of flames.

Then everything changed. The vision altering to another. She opened a door and Misha was standing there his normal smile in place. She didn't feel happy to see him. He was gone suddenly replaced by Olen. They were shouting at each other and then she felt a horrible sting in her cheek. That image was gone and a crying child was sitting in a dark cement room with silver eyes, pain so profound it hurt her heart.

"Do it!" A male voice demanded, deep and raspy. The language sounded Japanese. She had never spoken a word of it, yet in this dream she understood. The boy didn't look Japanese but the man sounded it.

"No." The boy croaked. Sounded parched and he had clearly been beaten. He shook his head and huddled in on himself. The man moved forward but he was just a great shadow. He was clearly going to brutalize this child. Beat him more.

"No! No stop!" Oxana screamed into the dream. She didn't know why she bothered, they were visions. They were just movies playing in her mind. But the silver gaze of the child met hers. She knew it did, felt it with every fiber of her being.

Help me, please make it stop. She heard his voice in her head.

"I'm sorry." She said crying knowing that she had somehow caused this. The boy shook his head at her as if he knew her thoughts. That dark shadow of a man coming closer. She had to find this child, she had to or lose a very important key. But she wanted more to help him because of what was happening, and no more.

"Where are you?" She asked and felt the pull into a different dream. His eyes were terror filled and glanced at the shadow. 

"I'll find you." She promised and then rushed through blood and death. Those hybrids tearing people apart and laughing. She felt like she had a great many choices to make and they were leading somewhere. They weren't just her choices either. She saw Zavid, she saw Kyra and Troy, Cole, the purple eyed woman, the silver eyed boy, two others who she'd never seen before but looked at odds, Xie was there and Adam. More faces rushed by and she wanted to start screaming. This was unfair, all this pain, all this suffering and they showed her nothing she could stop. No sense to help, just a sense too.

"It's okay sweetheart. The dead simply can't always send direct messages to the living. The barrier is thick and yet thin. Only those like you and Zavid can open to hear." She whipped around in the dark grey world for the voice of her father.

Book 4: Wolf's MateWhere stories live. Discover now