It's been a few weeks now and Ryan has been coming to youth group every night I'm glad that he is we've gotta close in the past few weeks I know he's just a stranger but uh I don't know he just seems to get me like no one else does. I have a group meeting tonight it starts in a couple of mins me and Ryan our the first ones there and of course my best best friend panda bear that's his nickname his real name is nick we've been friends seance we were eight now were 16 we have been through a lot together I run over an jump on him I feel like I haven't seen you in forever nick were have you been? Well I've been doing what I love best surfing. well what about church nick thank god your here now!! I've missed you like crazy. I've missed you to Riley. Humm humm Ryan interrupts our conversation oh nick I'm so srry got all caught up in seeing you hehe this is Ryan he's new to our youth group I'm showing he around the church helping him out I start to get all red in the face then nick screams Riley likes Ryan my face goes completely red like a tomato I punch nick in the arm and yell no I don't!!!! Then this girl named Amber walks in that doesn't like me at all! She never has but in nice to her anyway wow! Who's that cutie over there in the gray oh um that's Ryan pushing me out of the way I fall to the ground nick rushes over to see if I'm okay uh yeah I'm fine amber goes and sets beside Ryan I just let it go then I start the youth class all Ryan does is stare at me the hole time while amber runs her fingers through Ryan's hair it makes me kinda jealous I don't know I've only know him for a few weeks maybe I've fallen for him oh no that's not good I think to myself next thing I know Ryan is calling my name Riley Riley I get outta my own world and say uh oh srry yes? Can I talk to you alone for a min please? Yes of course so me and Ryan go out in the hall when it's just me and him and he says I know we have only known each other for a few weeks but I think we have gotta close so do you think maybe we could go somewhere together after church tonight Ryan!! I yelp oh I'm so srry Riley I understand you don't want too. No no Ryan I'm just shocked your your asking me on a date? Um maybe if that's what you want it to be Riley hehe I start giggling again he says there's my little giggle box and my face goes red again and I can't stop smiling. I tell him okay okay it's a date. Youth group has ended and Ryan and me walk out of church and get into his car I text my mama and tell her in gonna go and hang out with Ryan for a little while be back soon love you mama from Riley. She says okay don't you let him hurt you!! And me and him just die laughing and he asks me what do I wanna do I say I don't know so he says movie? I ask what kinda movie? Hmm gods not dead? Yess of course I love that movie it's a good move Riley is it okay if we go to my house and watch it? Yes Ryan that's fine if it's okay with your parents? Um yeah it's okay with my dad. Oh Ryan I'm so so srry I didn't know. Riley it's fine you couldn't have known okay were here we go in and set on the coach and watch the movie. Umm Ryan. Yes Riley? I'm kinda sleepy and cold okay stay right here he comes back with a big warm soft blanket and puts it over both of us I lay my head on his chest and end up falling asleep and so does he I wake up ans I see Ryan watching me sleep I kinda freak out at first because I forgot where I was and then I realize I'm in Ryan's arms he's all warm and adorable and smiles like a good smelling guy I like it so I just pull myself closer into him and he holds me tighter and then I look at him and ask so um what happened to your mom? Well Riley when I was 4 one day she just walked out on us and ever seance it's been me and my daddy O. Oh Ryan I pull him in a hug and he just grabs me and holds me and says thank you Riley and he says come here I gotta show you something so I follow him to his room and he shows me all these amazing guy things in his room I like his room it's nice I think to myself when every I'm in his arms I feel so safe I'm standing there looking at all these baseball awards and then he comes up behind me and wraps he's arms around my waist and I jump at first but then I realize it's Ryan holding me and I'm safe again I started giggling again and he spins me around what's so funny giggle box? Heheh you!! Ryan. What about me!! Riley. Well everything I maybe kinda like it when you hold me in your arms I feel so safe with you. Riley yes Ryan? I know it's only been a few weeks but I really care about you. You just walked into my life and now it's like everything is so much better awww Ryan you know what Riley? What Ryan? I'm gonna take you four wheeling with me tomorrow! You up for that? Oh yeah I'm gonna whoop your butt! Yeah right good lucky giggle box

Novela JuvenilThis story is gonna be about this girl named Riley and she's really strong in her faith and this guy named Ryan and is new to her youth group and she has too help him understand about faith because he wasn't raised in a Christian house hold please r...