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  This story will be told in three parts. But i wont waste your, time going into detail. For now, let's start from the beginning of the story. Have fun.

Soviet.It's so cold. Every part of his body burned yet felt numb at the same time. He couldn't feel any emotion but empty. He chuckled tiredly, taking in the smell of iron. What a big mess of blood. Staining the dark wood floor. Not like he cared, he was dying. He didn't mean to cut himself, it was an accident. He didn't even remember anything after washing the dishes. Just that now he was on the floor, bleeding out. It was strange and painful and he cried quietly for help. Pitiful really, eventually he just gave up, accepting that he was going to die. About time.

Then there was a scream, bloodcurdling and so familiar. Oh shit, was Russia here? He groaned tiredly, attempting to block the intense nausea and pain to move his head. Then more people came in. One loudly cursed. That one he knew was America. He didn't have an accent. The other one rang a phone. He thought at least. He could tell it was Finland, given the hushed Suomi curses and accent. Ok, those two were. America was barking orders at whatever blurred blob was next to him. He hoped to God it wasn't Russia. That boy was only 16, he shouldn't watch him die.

So jet whimpered a little, only to feel calloused fingers touch his cheek. America. At least he thought. He never bothered to take the time to feel America's hand to the exact point." You idiot..." He heard America solemnly say.

Soviet groaned quietly, turning to look at him. He felt a tinge of pain from the expression Are had given him. America looked hurt and sad. He winced upon feeling a sting in his arm, turning around to see someone he'd dreaded this whole time. Russia, looked like he was holding back from breaking down right there.

" I-I...I'm sorry..." Soviet breathed out, panicking a little. Oh god, he can't let his son watch him die like this! He can't die like this! He panicked, even more, his eyes widening as he looked at America with fat tears in his eyes. " I-I-I don't want to die-...America I don-"

" Shhh, shhh... the ambulance is on their way..." America responded. He started to hear the faint sounds of sirens, groaning softly. It was starting to give him a headache. Everything hurt so much. He heaved a breath, his eyes half-lidded. His time was coming soon. He didn't want to die. It's his fault. He didn't want to die.

It's your fault.

I don't want to die.

You'll die alone because you pushed them away and hurt them so bad.

I don't want to die.

No one will miss you when you leave.

I don't want to die!

And then It was black.


America watched as Soviet was rolled in the ambulance, people rushing around to help him stay alive.

He'd panicked when Soviet passed out, and it had to take Fin and Russ to pull him away from his lover when the paramedics came in. At that point, his body was in Autopilot but his mind was somewhere else. America couldn't process that Soviet may be dying at this moment so, of course, he didn't process anything after that.

The only thing he did process was sitting in the waiting room until the doctor said they could all visit. Apparently, they had been waiting for three hours, according to Fin. Ame only nodded, staring at the door in front of him. He sank in his seat, waiting for any doctor to tell him everything was ok and that Soviet was alive. That idiot... America thought, wiping away a tear. What the hell was he gonna do if Soviet died? Despite the cold war, Soviet meant a lot to him...

America got himself out of his thoughts when the doctor came out, heading over to the group of three.

" We are happy to say that Soviet is alive and stable...he's a little dazed, we put him on morphine and blood to dull the pain and help his blood. But he's conscious and he will be fine..."

" Oh thank God..." Finland sighed out rubbing his nose as he leaned back. America smiled and let out a breath he didn't know he'd be holding in. And Russ surprisingly shed a tear. Russia wasn't one to cry, especially in public, he said something about him thinking it was weak or something.

He nodded, thanking the nurse for the news.

" Though...when he does get stable...he will need to be admitted into a mental and behavioral hospital for three to five days...and we took a blood draw to see if he'd been using substances or anything since he said he'd blacked out before the incident happened..."

America stared at the doctor, furrowing his brows. " There shouldn't be a need for a test...he's been clear for a while..." America huffed, getting a bit defensive. Soviet had told America he'd been clean for a while. He hadn't touched cocaine or meth. No sex and partying and he'd quit alcohol. So...there shouldn't be a need to test that.

" Sir, we just want to make sure..."
The doctor grunted, rubbing her arm. America was about to say something but Finland stopped him by placing a hand on his shoulder. America sighed, sitting back. Best not to look like a fool. He only nodded after that.

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