Chapter 2

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Sorry this turned out to be a little filler between episode 6 and 7 there will be scenes from 7 too!

Emma's PoV


"Emma, you need to stay here. We've got this." Bloom told me.

"Bloom! Why can't I go! I am your sister! I was there! I saw the Pheonix!" I exclaimed angry.

"Emma! I can't lose you!" She replied hugging me.

"Bloom, please. Let me go with you!" I begged.

"No, Emma. That's final." She told me.

"It's not fair!" I yelled running into the room I shared with Flora.

When Layla and I came an extra room was added and the rooms switched.

"Emma? Are you all right sweetie?" Flora asked kindly.

"I'm fine. I'm gonna go to sleep." I said sadly.

"Oh okay. I will just be in the other room." Flora said walking away.

FlashBack Dream

"Emma, come to me." A voice called.

"I'm coming!" I yelled running in that direction.

I saw a girl that was golden with a mask. Her clothes were a golden color.

"Who are you?" I asked her.

"I'm Daphne, your sister. I tried to keep you and Bloom together, but fate must have decided different. You look like Bloom and I." She whispered.

"I want to know the truth about every single thing. Please." I begged.

"My little sister. You are so brave. I will explain everything soon enough. You are a very powerful Princess! Whatever you do, don't give up." She told me.

" running outside faster than anything.

"Bloom!" I screamed.

"Emma!" She called.

"Rosalice?" I asked.

My little pixie flung herself at me happily.

"Emma! Oh thank goodness! I missed you so much!" She exclaimed hugging me.

I looked over and saw the faries and pixies bonding.

Stella had Amore, while Bloom had Lockett. Flora and Chatta were seemingly gossiping, where Digit and Tecna were talking about something techno? Musa was even getting along with Tune!

"Emma, are you even listening?" Rosalice asked.

"Sorry Rose. I was just looking." I apologized.

"It's fine." She replied smoothly.

I guess that's how a Pixie of Harmony is. She is just too kind. Well now that my sister is back all is good.

"Did anything go wrong?" I exclaimed.

"Well.... Brandon almost got engaged and Stella... well it's a long story." She replied.

"Oh I missed you so much! I thought something would happen to you!" I exclaimed.

"Oh, I'm fine see? Did anything exciting happen?" She asked.

"Daphne. She visited me." I told my sister.

"She did? I remember the first time we spoke. I had no idea who she was." Bloom said smiling at the memory.

"She seems so nice." I told her.

"I know." Bloom replied.

"Emma!" A voice called.

"Layla!" I exclaimed running over to my adopted sister.

No matter what we will always be sisters.

"We were saved by some mysterious Palidin. If not for him we would have died!" She exclaimed.

"Thank goodness for Palidins!" I yelled.

Time Skip brought to you by brother Nico Di Angelo!

"So we have to try and take down a wall?" I asked.

"No, we do. Faragonda said that she wanted you to try and do it tomorrow in front of a class." Bloom fixed.

I nodded agreeing. What Bloom said wasn't true though. There was a different wall for me to destroy. They couldn't know about it though.

After my friends left I headed out to the forest. A seperate wall stood and then Faragonda stepped out.

"Do you think you can try each power then converge them?" She asked.

"Of course." I replied.

The weather started to worsen, so I told Faragonda she could leave, while I handeled it.

"Flame of Fury!" No avil.

"River Waterfall." Not even a dent.

"Techno Blast!" How did it not do a single thing?!

"Ivey Brace!" The vines tried to rip the wall apart, but it didn't work.

"Celestial Rain!" All the stars and moons light blasted forward. The wall trembled, but nothing else.

"I might as well converge them now!" I mumbled

"Techno Cage! Rose Thorns! Flame of Fury! Ocean Whirlpool! Sonic Boom!" I yelled converging about half of my powers.

The wall shuddered and was still shaking.

"Now to finish it! Celestial Shower!" I screamed.

The wall slowly crumbled to the ground in small pieces. As a blinding light flew from it I was slammed into the ground.

I couldn't move, but I soon grew weak. As I blacked out I transformed into a regular girl.

In Alfea
3rd PoV

A man brought Bloom inside. Everyone was worried because Emma was gone when we came back and still hasn't returned.

"Where is Emma?" Bloom croaked.

"Well... We don't know." Musa whispered.

"We need to see Faragonda!" Bloom exclaimed.

"I'll do it." Layla volunteered.

A knock on the door scared the students. Faragonda stepped in and told the Winx what had happened.

After awhile they found Emma and took her to bed.

"Will she be alright?" Flora asked.

"With time. She will be fine." Faragonda said leaving the girls be.

This is the end of the chapter! Next Episode is my favorite, so the next chapter will be way more detailed.

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