chapter four

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Harry's POV

I wake up to see an empty room, I look to the side and see a note on my night stand, it's probably from Louis

"Harry, you fell asleep in my arms, I didn't want  to leave you alone, but I had to leave and do my work here in the hospital, but here's my number, text me :)
97697 477990
Louis xx"

I quickly get my phone to add his number

~ messages ~

H: Hey Louis, this is Harry

L: Hey Harry, are you feeling better now?

H: Yeah I'm fine, sorry about the whole breakdown again

L: Don't worry about it, it's fine :)

H: So uh, do you want to hang out later?

L: Yeah sure! I just have to finish something but I can go to your room in about 30 mins, is that okay?

H: Yeah, it's great! see you then

L: See, you, bye Harry xx

H: Bye Louis xx

~ 30 mins later ~

"Hey" Louis says in a happy tone as he comes into my room.

"Hey" I say looking up from my phone.

"So, uh, are you feeling better now?" he asks

"Yeah a bit" I say, not much better to be honest, I don't fully know what exactly caused that whole breakdown, maybe the sexuality talk, it's not that I'm like uncomfortable with my sexuality, I'm completely fine with that, just being invalidated all the time is just horrible, add that with cancer and how exhausting chemo is plus being scared of dying at any moment and it kind of bottles it up until you explode, this happened a couple times, but in those I had Liam by my side holding me, not a stranger I met less then a day ago, even tho Louis and I know each other for a very short time his embrace was really comforting I have to admit it.

"Do you wanna talk about it? It's completely fine if you don't, just, it might be better to let it all out?" he asks cautiously, I motion my hand signaling or him to sit on the bed and he does

"It's just... I- I don't know.. I mean there's just so much stuff" I say and I feel him putting his hand on my knee to comfort me

"I get it.. well I mean, I don't get it but I imagine" he says looking in my eyes and in a sweet tone, I chuckle slightly at his sentence and he follows me

"I just- I just wanna know why" I say

"Why what?" he asks curiously

"Why can't people accept my sexuality? Why do I have cancer? Why couldn't I just be straight? Just why is life so unfair, I just wish things were a bit easier you know?" I say sadly, sometimes I hate my life so much, it's just, the world is an unfair, cruel and judgmental place and I hate it

"Look what I'm gonna say may not make any sense right now, but try to think about it okay?" he says and I nod "Try to believe everything happens for a reason, I know it's weird considering the situation, but believe me, everything that happens in you life, happens for a reason, you may not know what that reason is now or you may never discover the reason, but there's one and the things that happen on your life leave scars, both physically" I say tracing a light scar Harry has on his arm with my thumb "and invisible scars, those only you can see, and these scars form you story and they teach you lessons, the bad things that happen in your life will teach you to be stronger and show you that you can take it and the good things that happen will teach you what true happiness is and teach you to be grateful for the things you have in you life"

"That's- that's beautiful Louis" I say a bit stunned because of his mini speech

"I have my moments" he says and we both chuckle "But I'm serious, will you at least try to see things from this point of view?"

"Yeah, i will"

--- Authors Notes ---


i know it's short and that i haven't updated in a long time but i had a rough couple weeks and i had writers block but hopefully it'll get better

i promise i'll try to update more tomorrow but rn its 1:44am for me and i'm super tired

again really sorry for taking so long to update and for this crappy chapter, i'll step up next update

thanks! lubs xx

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