Chapter 1: The Victim, The Cannibal, And The Detective.

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"Hi, I'm a grave digger I'd love to tell you my name but I have to keep it a secret for now, but you guys can call me X. One might call me a "Grave Digger" but I don't dig graves, alright? What I do has something to do with "unveiling the past of the deceased from already desecrated graves."  X said. I know some might call it stealing but let's call it a bonus for letting their stories live on with me. It really sucks though thinking that even in death they still cannot rest because of people destroying their resting place for houses to live in. But enough about me. This is the story of how this "person" we'll call him 01 who's name has blurred out from the wear and tear of time had a cousin who died from dengue and how I came upon to seeing this diary on one of the desecrated graves.

His name was Jose, a frail little boy who was 5 years old at the time of his death. The cause of death being dengue but how did it reach upon that point where it became fatal you ask?

Well that's were I come in and tell you the tale of how it all happened.

It was 2010 in the Province.
My young cousin and I lived on a certain island near within the archipelago; there was a boom of dengue cases. One might call dengue a deadly pandemic and shrug it off, thinking as long as it doesn't affect me it's fine. And in our island doctors were exactly the same they only thought about their profits. They couldn't exactly be called competent that being coupled with the fact that apart from living in a third world country the island was practically a provincial area.

Jose despite being frail loved to play around under the sun, until one day he suddenly fell ill. It was dengue but at the time the grandmother who acted as his guardian didn't know of that, though she was aware of the ongoing dengue boom occurring within the island.

Jose's days were numbered some of our relatives begged the grandmother to bring him to the hospital so she did. Which is what we were told, we were also told that the Doctor only said that Jose was fine and there was nothing to worry about. A few days after we learned about the death of Jose which was dengue. But the true reason of death was the Grandmothers cruel heartless act.

How was she cruel you ask?

Here's what really happened,
Jose was never brought to the hospital because his grandmother was too lazy to bring him to the hospital even though his condition was getting worse by the day. The grandmother swore by her truth that she brought her to the hospital but the hospital and her neighbors' claim otherwise. So I wrote this journal before the burial of Jose. In hopes that one day hundreds of years into the future people will see how he died not just by dengue. But by the hands of his grandmother. I buried the journal alongside Jose. 

"Jose's tale was truly sad", "You could truly tag him as a unfortunate Victim of events", X muttered to himself as he proceeded to go inspect the other ruined remains. "Oh, this one foretells the tales of someone who has fallen into damnation." His name was blurred out it isn't that weird since the paper itself seemed to be decomposing and falling apart. Even formaldehyde is nothing compared to the ravages of time. The tombstone states that he died from execution. "It's quite weird how his skeletal remains are nowhere to be found I don't think bones would rot faster than paper" X added. The tombstone also tells you that his last breath was way back the 1990's. "Did they still execute people back then?" X wondered to himself.

Despite being centuries into the future the education and the increasing lack of books due to people saying paper forms of literature have become irrelevant, ignorance is prevalent in this era. This explains why X is dumbfounded. "Well, anyways this guy was a total psychopath." X thought to himself. Inside the diary was a catalogue of all the people he hunted down and how he became addicted to human flesh. "I know this might seem weird but every time I touch and read a diary I'm able to recreate what the person was experiencing at the time and feel what they were doing." As X says this he recreates the Cannibal's diary. 

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