Requests! :3 & headcanons :>

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So these are my headcanons! Some nsfw and some sfw!

Warning : Nsfw - sexual talk

- John is big spoon...obviously

- John loves to cuddle

- John sometimes calls Vincent "Vinny" or " his lil' carrot" and Vincent will get very flustered

- Whenever either of them get sad , mostly Vincent , they both pull eachother close and whisper sweet things into their ears.

- John and Vincent keep their relationship private , although John sometimes forgets and shows affection for the small male :3

- John is after care GOD

- Both of them love recieving praise , but John likes to give it more then recieve.

- John gives forehead kisses when Vincent is sad

- Although John is very flirty towards the small male , he gets extremely flustered if he says something very flirty.

- John loves to watch Vincent paint.

- If Vincent gets paint on his hands/face , John immediately cleans it off with his sleeve or his hand.

Okie so those are all my headcanons!
Ok bai now! <3

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