Art - Fluff

396 11 3

~This is a timeline thing where they are best friends~

* Jfk's POV *

I walked into the Art Room , expecting to see my redheaded bestie , and I was correct.

" Hey er...shortstack"!
I said , trying to think of a name to call him.

I had trouble remembering names , so I normally called others by nicknames.

" Oh hey Jfk ".
Gogh said with a wave.

I waved back ecstatically , and got a laugh from Gogh.

I walked over to the tiny male , looking at what he was painting.

" Hey er , is that me"?
Gogh just , not noticing me walk over.

" Oh uh , yeah ".
He chuckled nervously.

" Looks awesome "!
I said with a giant smile on my face.

" Y-You think so"?
He asked , looking at the painting.

" Well yeah "!
I shouted , and got a "shh" from Gogh.

" You do know there are teachers here , right"?
Gogh asked , with a sarcastic tone.

He stood up , grabbing his bag of art stuff and sketchbook's.

" You er , want me to carry that stuff"?

" No , its ok".
I nodded , and walked out of the art classroom with Gogh.

" You uh , want me to walk you home"?
I ask , scratching the back of my head nervously.

" You can if you want ".
Gogh said with a small smile.

A big smile grew on my face as we continued walking.

It was quiet for a bit , but I wanted to make conversation

" So er uh , what made you wanna draw me"?
I asked , looking over at Gogh.

His eyes widened , and his face had a red tint

" Uhm...I don't know"?
He said nervously.

I shrugged , not wanting to dig in deeper , cause that would probably make him uncomfortable.

We continued walking , until I heard the smaller male mumble something.

" Huh "?
I tilted , catching Gogh off guard.

" I drew you cause I had you on the mind ".
He stated , his face looking as red as an apple.

" You had me on the mind "?

He nodded , and a small smile crept onto my face.

" You er uh , were thinking about me"?
I couldn't help but smile , thinking that someone else was thinking about me.

I mean , chicks always probably think about me , so why is this any different?

Well..I guess he really isn't a

" Jfk? You ok"?
I snap out of my thoughts , and look at the small male standing infront of me.

* ok so if i use *~* its not in a sexual tone , its basically like uhhhhhh *

" Uh~ yes"?
I said unsurely , not even knowing how I felt right now.

We both stood there for a second , just kinda avoiding eye contact.

" D-Do you wanna keep walking "?
I looked down at the smaller male and nodded.

We continued walking , still avoiding eye contact.

" So you maybe wanna hang out er sometime"?
I asked , with a small grin on my face.

He nodded with a smile on his face.
My heart started beating faster when he smiled.

What is this shortstack doing to me?

" You ok"?
I snapped out of my thoughts again , and looked over at him.

I nodded and smiled.

We continued walking , until we made it to his house.

" Thanks for walking me home ".
He said , with a small smile.

" No problem "!
I said with a big smile.

He went inside , I waved before he closed the front door.

I walked home , which was only a few blocks away.

I got home , and was greeted by my gay foster parents.

" Oh hey hun! How was school"?
My dad said , having a big smile on his face.

" It was alright , hey ur dad"?

" Yes hun"?

" How do you know if you are falling for someone"?



So this chapter wasn't as long as my other one ;-; but I hope you all like this story!

I might not update much during the week , due to school >:( but ill try to update as much as i can!

Also its 4 in the morning where I am , so this chapter may be a bit all over the place :P

Ok bai!
Make sure yall take care of yourselves! <3

Jfk X Van gogh Oneshots! ( clone high )Where stories live. Discover now