Page 1: Daydream

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Detailed, neat, yet slightly messy sketches are paired with each item, as well as the lore behind them. There are even notes on how to get them. You decide to take a peek at this first page:

Powdered Memories (it was written next to a drawing of a wig): The darkness of night is often filled with silent longing. {Can be obtained by encountering Lafayette or by buying from Parven}

Crimson Tulips (it was written next to a drawing of a tulip headdress): From a window, the piper glanced at the fields of golden tulips. {Blueprint can be obtained from Gabrielle at Goodwill Level 2}

Day Dream (it was written next to a drawing of an elegant rococo dress): In the flower fields of Versailles, I await your return... {Can be obtained by encountering Fersen or by buying from Parven}

Last Dance (it was written next to a drawing of elegant frilly heels): We are all dreamers... {Can be obtained by encountering Gabrielle or by buying from Parven}

Dream Petals (it was written next to a drawing of tulip earrings): Gather the buds when there is still time... {Blueprint can be obtained from Stage 2-2 of Queen Marie}

Wistful Pearls (it was written next to a drawing of an elegant pearl necklace): There's a story behind each of the necklace's pearls. {Blueprint can be obtained from Stage 1-5 of Queen Marie}

Budding Clasp (it was written next to a drawing of a beautiful pearl and tulip bracelet): The sigh of the wind accompanies the lonely buds. {Blueprint can be obtained from Fersen at Goodwill Level 2}

After looking over the whole page, you look at the page right after, noticing a picture of the journal's owner, Nico, wearing the outfit in question. He looks very beautiful in the outfit, almost like Marie Antoinette. You decide to keep looking through this book of clothing...

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2020 ⏰

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