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Previously on Avatar- GOD DANGIT! I mean Previously on Thoth's Daughter:

Loki jumped up as fast as he could, grabbing the girls hand and running down the hall, trying hard not to laugh when he heard Thoth's yelling curses, speaking (read 'Screeching like a dolphin')in Ancient Egyptian after them, trying hard to catch up, but the two teens, both blushing from being caught, ran faster.
Ciela yelped as she fell onto the ground, tripping over her own feet, causing Loki to try and catch her, resulting in the two of them to tumble.
Loki groaned as he took the beat of the fall, having her land on his stomach.
"We gotta learn how to not fall every time we run!" He huffed, giving her a small push as she struggled slightly to get up due to the squirming god under her.
She scowled at him, her blue eyes narrowed.
"Well sorry!" She hissed, standing and dusting some dirt that had gotten onto her clothes before glaring at Loki.
"If you had just left me be, we wouldn't be in this mess!" Loki glared back at her before looking away with a huff.
"Whatever." He muttered, standing before grudgingly holding out his hand to her.
"My name is Loki." He said, watching her closely as her eyes flickered from him to his hand, slight disbelief in her eyes.
"Ciela." She said, taking his hand, making him jump a bit in surprise, her hands were so soft! It was nearly breathtaking.
He felt like he had just touched and angel, but as quickly as it cane, it disappeared.
Ciela looked over Loki's shoulder and cringed slightly.
"We might wanna run.." She said, making Loki look to where she was looking to see Anubis racing down the hall in his god-form, a snarl evident on his face, Thoth running after him, yelling at the younger god.
"Yeahhhh..." Loki said, giving Ciela a peck on the cheek before racing down the hall.
"Goodbye, Beauty-Chan!" He said happily, leaving a blushing Ciela, who soon was knocked over by an over-protective Anubis.

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