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arsinicCatnip  [AC]  began trolling terminallyCapricious  [TC]

AC:  :33<  *ac swaggers out of her cave to gr33t the clown outside*

TC:  Oh I sEe WhAt YoUrE aLl Up AnD mOtHeRfUcKiNg DoInG

TC:  GaMzEe WaVeS oVeR tO hIs CaT sIs

AC:  :33<  so which team are mew on?

TC:  On ThE rEd TeAm WiTh My BrO kArKaT

AC:  :33<  lucky!!

AC:  :33<  equius wanted me on the blue team :((

TC:  :o(

TC:  WaIt I dId ThAt WrOnG

TC:  GaMzEe FrOwNs At HiS sIs

AC:  :33<  h33h33

AC:  :33<  *ac asks gamz33 when we are going to start the game*

TC:  I gUeSs As SoOn As SoLlUx FiNiShEs SeTtInG iT uP

AC:  :33<  oh

AC:  :33<  okay

AC:  :33<  that will purrobably be a little while

TC:  YeAh

AC:  :33<  well bye i guess???

TC:  Oh

TC:  I wAs JuSt GoNnA gEt My TaLk On WiTh YoU uNtIl ThEn

TC:  If ThAtS cHiLl WiTh YoU

AC:  :33<  its feline by me :))

TC:  BiTcH tItTiEs WiCkEd :o)

AC:  :33<  but mew have to roleplay

TC:  FiNe :o/

AC:  :33<  *ac giggles at her clown furend*

TC:  ArE wE sTaRtInG

TC:  GaMzEe AsKs As He SmIlEs At HiS cAt SiS

AC:  :33<  *ac was about to continmew when she noticed her clown furend being watched by a lion*

TC:  WhOa WhAt :o0

AC:  :33<  *ac tells her furend she will be right back and chases after the lion*

TC:  GaMzEe SoOn StArTs To WoRrY aBoUt HiS sIs AnD fOlLoWs HeR

AC:  :33<  *ac s33s gamz33 emerge furom the woods to where she is fighting the beast*

TC:  GaMzEe GeTs OuT hIs ClUbS

AC:  :33<  *ac smiles at her furend ready to begin a tag team fight*

TC:  GaMzEe RuNs OvEr To HiS sIs

AC:  :33<  *ac pounces the beast and scratches it with her sharp claws*

TC:  GaMzEe AlL uP aNd GiVeS tHiS mOtHeRfUcKeR sOmE pUnIsHiNg ToO

AC:  :33<  *ac s33s the monster nearing its end and smiles*

TC:  GaMzEe FiNiShEs ThIs MoThErFuCkEr OfF wItH a BeAt DoWn

AC:  :33<  *once ac s33s the beast is dead she goes to gamz33 to give him a furendly highfive*

TC:  GaMzEe GeTs HiS hIgHfIvE oN wItH hIs CaT sIs

AC:  :33<  aw man

AC:  :33<  i would continmew this

AC:  :33<  but karkitty

AC:  :33<  i mean karkat

AC:  :33<  is contacting me

AC:  :33<  bye gamz33

TC:  ByE sIs :o)

TC:  <3

arsinicCatnip  [AC]  ceased trolling terminallyCapricious  [TC]

~ ~ ~

Nepeta stared at the screen of her tablet for a minute, just looking at it.

TC:  <3

Well, that's definetly new.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2012 ⏰

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