Chapter 19: The Last Time

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"Why's everyone acting weird?" I ask both Charlie and Liara as we walk through the hall of students with their faces each facing towards us, or was it towards me?

Charlie looks around to see what was so funny or at least so and there was nothing that was weird about us. "Don't know, seems that we're the talk of the school?"

"More like the elephant in the room... and I don't wanna be an elephant!" Liara chimed in, walking with her hands on the straps of her bag pack while looking around to see what was actually going on.

"No way! Elephants are like the coolest thing to walk on Earth! How can you not be one?" Charlie argued with Liara, having her to like at him with an unamused side-eye.

She then starting to bicker with him. Throwing words of 'compliment' I would rather say. But things with those two aren't just gonna tell us why everyone's eyes are on us. Until when we reach my locker I saw something hideous, something that made my tummy rumble with puke ready to spill out. "Guys! Shut up!" I hissed, walking towards my locker with steps that took my life away pieces by pieces.

When I reach my locker, I was baffled. In my head, I thought that I was screwed up. That this is the last time that people would look up to me. My life had been fucked over in one single second and I could not do anything that can make it go away either than be silence. Both of my friends came up to my side, with faces that were similar to mine.

"What? Kai?" Charlie asked suddenly.

"Oh, shit...," Liara gasped, with a hand on her mouth. 

The truth was out, and he wasn't there.

My body jolts up from the bed with sweats running down my forehead and down to my neck that soaked the entire collar of my clothes. I look to the side of my nightstand to see the alarm that kept singing an awful melody. My eyes can't help but just look at the blaring alarm with my mind thinking of the dream that came to me like a rushing train. I was totally scared now. To think that it was just a dream can't be possible, it could be a message. A warning. A sign. I need to find Stan.

With all the strength I had that morning, I pushed the alarm button and made my way to the showers. In the showers, I couldn't help myself but think of what happened. Should I come to school today? Should I just hide here in my room? But what if I'm overthinking this? It was just a mind game. But why would it happen now? Maybe all along I was scared from the first place?

Once I got off the showers, I quickly got ready and go down to have a quick breakfast. But truth to be told, I wasn't having any appetite for breakfast. 

Mom noticed me walking down the stairs and put up her bright smile as usual. "Good morning, honey. Come, I make some pancakes. Your father's here too, let's eat together," Dad? This was unusual than I thought. I walk slowly to the dining room, looking at both my parents who looked normal as ever but yet today, it was different.

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