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Sorry I haven't updated in a while, I've been busy with school and family issues. To make up for the huge time gap I'm going to make this chapter longer than usual! Thank you so much to the people actually enjoying this! I didn't really expect people to actually read this.

"Why am I being so nice?" Gon said "isn't that what friends are for?"

As those words slipped out of Gon's mouth, pain shot through Killua's body. He bent over coughing, tears streamed down his face. What's happening to me? Why do I feel so weak. Gon was too scared to move for a split second, just then Killua went silent. "KILLUA?!" He didn't respond.

Tears began to run down his face as he looked at his best friend sitting before him in a pool of blood and flowers. Blood was staining his clothes as he lay limp on the floor not moving. Gon hesitated slightly before he decided to crawl near Killua. He slowly picked up his best friend sitting him up, he stared at the tears still wet on his face. He looked more pale than usual, his body was still warm. "Killua" Gon whispered "you lied to me.... you're not okay." Gon put his forehead to Killua's and cried even harder. "WHY WOULDN'T YOU TELL ME WAS HAPPENING" Gon yelled as loud as he could, he now couldn't stop the crying as he hugged Killua.

Gon brought Killua home still crying as he noticed that Killua might have died if he stayed up in the tree house longer. "I-im home" Gon said as he walked through the door. "Welcome home boys did you have f- OH MY GOODNESS WHAT HAPPENED!" Mito yelled. Killua was on Gon's back passed out, flowers and blood falling from his mouth. Gon wasn't able to make out words, he just started crying. Harder and louder this time not holding back as Mito called 911.
The ambulance arrived 3 minutes later talking Killua and Gon to the hospital.

The nurse walked out of the room where Killua laid on the bed. Gon was waiting in the waiting room. He was at the hospital for more than 3 hours. "Gon Freecss?" the nurse asked, he was one of the only people in the waiting room. Gon looked up at the nurse wearily. "Is Killua okay?" he asked. "..." the nurse hesitated for a second. "he is fine. He is suffering from Hanahaki disease... there is a slight chance that he will be able to survive." she answered. Gon got to his feet "Can I see him?" he asked on the verge of tears. the nurse nodded slowly and brought him into the room Killua was staying in. Gon's face went from sad to scared in an instant. The sight was too much for him, seeing his best friend with an IV stuck in his arm, an oxygen machine savoring his breath keeping him alive. Gon couldn't help but let the tears flow down his cheeks as he sat on the end of the bed and grabbed Killua's hand. Why wouldn't he tell me this? Is that why he was acting so weird lately... I'm sorry Killua, you should've told me... I could've helped you with whatever was happening. "Do you know what Hanahaki disease is?" The nurse asked him. "No I don't..." Gon answered bluntly obviously more focused on his white haired friend. "Well to summarize it, Hanahaki is where flowers start to sprout inside the victims lungs, Hanahaki is caused from one-sided love. The victim will slowly die from the disease, but if the victim spends too much time thinking or hanging out with their beloved, the disease will infect them at a much faster rate" the nurse told him as she watched him stare at the infected boy. "I still don't understand why you didn't tell anyone... why...? Did you not trust anyone? You know you can always come to me for help if you need it....." Gon was talking to the pale boy on the bed. Gon cried harder as he fell atop the limp boys chest sobbing into it, he couldn't stop crying. The nurse left giving the two boys alone time. Gon didn't really know what to do, so he just climbed fully onto the bed with him cuddling him like a koala. I can't believe that you wouldn't tell me this... why? You're too special to me... you've been through everything with me.... why would you just throw away you're life like that. He found himself drift off to sleep. Gon woke up to bright Ray's of light flowing through the room. It was morning, he had spent the night and Killua was breathing softly. Gon couldn't help but stare at the sleeping boy He's so calm usually he's up and yelling at Gon for about any reason possible. The nurse walked in "Oh you're awake, you were out cold when I came in to tell you that visiting time was over but I didn't want to bother you" she said walking over to the two boys "it seems you're in luck! He will survive for a while, he needs to confess to the one he loves first."
   1 hour went by and Killua finally woke up he was confused where he was but finally remembered passing out in the treehouse
   "KILLUAAA! I'M SO HAPPY YOU'RE OKAY! I THOUGHT YOU WERE GOING TO DIE! I WAS SO WORRIED!" Gon yelled as Killua ate the food the nurse gave to him. "I'm fine Gon, you don't have to worry about me... I'll fix whatever is happening to me." "You better" Gon said pouting. Killua couldn't help but laugh at Gon's action. "You're so cute." Killua said without thinking "I-uh-Eeh Killua what?" Gon said flustered. Killua blushed a deep red "I DIDN'T MEAN TO SAY THAT I-EEEHH!!" Killua got redder and redder as he talked. Gon just stared at him "I think you're cute too Killua" he said softly barely audible over the birds chirping outside.

Finally this is done! I've been working on this for about three weeks! I've had writers block for a while so that's part of the reason this came out so late. Thank you so much for reading! Don't worry I still have ideas, I just wanted to end it here so I could make a new chapter.

\\Friendzoned// 《Killugon Hanahaki》(COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now