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Red lights.

"we have to get to the ship!" Asha yelled, pulling Valerie behind her.

Asha had sleek black hair in a Bob, Valerie was visibly older, with a long brown plait down her back, they were both wearing spacesuits with a logo that said 'Rocket Car' underneath.

Asha tightened her grip on Valerie as they sprinted in the direction of the exit.
Smoke began to fill the grey hallway and footsteps could be heard not so far away.
"Run faster! They're coming!" Asha screamed.
The footsteps got louder and louder, as did the screams.
They had gone into this mission thinking it was easy, and now they had no backup, no way of contacting Rocket Car.
In other words, they were doomed.

The exit was in sight and they sighed in relief, their ship was just outside.
The footsteps had almost caught up with them now, and Asha desperately tried to get the door open.
"It's locked!"
"Hack the system, I'll hold them off,"
Valerie said, and before Asha could object, she ran towards the footsteps.
Asha knew there was no stopping her, so she hurriedly hacked the door, she could hear grunts not so far away - it was Valerie fighting the others.
The hacking took longer than expected, but finally the door clicked open and light blinded her.
"Valerie!" she screamed.
Valerie came running around the corner, pursued by guards.
There were 8 of them, the others had obviously been beaten up, for there were 16 earlier. 
The door began to close and Valerie raced towards the exit, dodging blasts from the guards' guns.
She was almost there when something grabbed her - one of the guards had her arm, she wrenched free and sprinted out the door.
Asha was already in the spaceship, waiting for liftoff.
Valerie tried to climb in but she was held back.
The countdown started...


Valerie kicked the guard in the balls


Another guard tried to grab her, she punched him in the face.


A guard jumped on the window and attempted to break through to Asha.


Valerie pushed the man off and made a beeline for the door to the spaceship.


Asha opened the door and tried to grab Valerie.


Valerie took Ashas hand and climbed in.


Someone grabbed Valerie.


Valerie looked at Asha.


She mouthed "I'm sorry,"


The door to the spaceship slammed shut. Valerie was dragged away.


The ship blasted up into the air.
Asha was thrown back by the force of it, and she dragged herself across the floor to her seat.
She got onto it and fastened the seat belt, glancing at the empty seat next to her.
And Asha cried.

Valerie had a husband, 5 young children.
what did Asha have? There was nobody left to care for her.
Yet Valerie had been dragged away by those imbeciles.
Most likely dead.

She switched on the coms, and reported to her commander.

"It was a trick. They took Valerie.
S-shes dead"

The Adventures Of Rocket Car Where stories live. Discover now