letter 1

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dear ryuu,

how are you? if you're wondering how i'm doing, i'm doing fine. i think. how is yuu? are you two still failing classes and playing games until 4am every night?

i'm not sure why i'm writing to you. i miss you a lot though. i miss making fun of your non existent hair, i miss hearing you brag to yuu after i stay over at your place, i miss talking to saeko about you, i miss cheering you on at games or watching you practice, i miss tutoring you at the latest hours, i miss texting you about [club], i miss you and our relationship.

i see you've gone back to your old ways, falling for shimizu-san all over again. the other day you and yuu were fangirling over her while i stood at my shoe locker, which was conveniently beside yuu's, wishing it was me you were fangirling over.

i hope you're doing great without me, don't worry about me as well. that's if you even remember me.

to my strongest boy,

dear tanaka ✓Where stories live. Discover now