10 - Hold her

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As always, Tom woke early. He had trouble falling asleep even after Katie stopped tossing and turning and her breathing became rhythmic. He lay on his side and looked at her in the light that was coming through the blinds. She looked peaceful, but her mouth had a frown. He had never noticed her full lips before and looked away as he reminded himself they belonged to Paco. He was certain they had been all over Paco. His friend didn't kiss and tell, but he had witnessed little things to know that Ricky and Lucy made each other happy in the bedroom.

He quietly grabbed his running shoes and left the bedroom. The house was quiet and as he stepped outside, the heat and humidity were already stifling. He didn't know how Paco could complain about Kuwait when he grew up in the sticky heat.

Tom stretched before he set out on his run. He liked to run, as it cleared his head and got him ready for the day ahead. He ran over the events of the day before and tried to think of ways to protect Katie. Maybe he should just pretend she was his girl. If he spent the day with his arm around her, Paco would eventually get mad. A part of him was pissed at his friend. Another part of him didn't want his friend to stand up to Mama C and lose her like he had his family. He found himself at the park and sat down on a bench.

He had his phone, and he took it out to see if he could reach his brother. He smiled when he saw Jon's face.

"Hey, you look like shit."

"Thanks, but I was running. I'm in Miami and it's hotter than Hades."

"I know about hot. How's your new family?"

Jon teased, although it was true. "Not good. Paco brought his girl and his mother refuses to accept her. He isn't standing up to Mama, which I kind of get. Actually, I don't. I would fight for the girl I loved against our old man."

"Says the guy who blew it with the girl he loved."

"We were nineteen. I couldn't ask her to wait eight years for me. In the end, we were only good if we didn't talk."

"You did things that didn't require talking in the pool house and the basement."

And hotel rooms. "Now, I might as well be a monk. What about you, any luck?"

"We have a new teacher who is very pretty. I'm working on the 'let me show you the ropes and be your friend' angle, hoping it might lead to some lust between us."

"Good luck with that."

"Have you heard from Mom?"

"Not since last week. I should call her, but the judge's usually around on Sunday."

"She said they were talking about a trip to see me. What will I say to the old man?"

"I don't know. I worry about regret if something happens to him."

"Yeah. I guess I'm the most mad at Trey."

"He's stuck living with the bitch." Jon laughed. Tom had decided that if Jon ever went home, then he would, too. "Do you think you'll ever return to the states?"

He paused. "Someday. If I ever want kids, I don't want them here. Maybe if I get lucky, I'll get Alana to fall in love with me and marry me and I'll show up with a wife."

Tom laughed. "That would go over worse than Paco bringing Katie home to meet Mama. I should probably go back to the house to protect her."


"Hey, good luck with your girl."

Jon smiled, and just before the screen went blank, he teased. "Good luck with Paco's girl."

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