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        When I woke up the following morning, the sheets were tangled around Erin and I. I couldn’t help but smile at the memory of last night.

        I took a moment to look at the woman who was sleeping beside me. She was simply amazing and I really did love her, she was the one I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. I just couldn’t see myself with anyone beside her.

        I moved a strand of blonde hair from her face and put a kiss on the top of her head before I carefully pulled my arm from under her head, watching her as she snuggled back into the pillow and remained asleep.

        I quickly pulled a pair of boxers from the drawer and put them on, heading downstairs to make breakfast, only I got more of a surprise when I walked into the living room to see Oliver sitting there.

        “You know, you two should really learn to lock the door,” Oliver said without even looking at me, his attention remaining on the paper he was reading.

        “What are you doing here?” I asked.

        “Well, the thing is I still love Erin and I don’t want her to be with anyone but me. So, imagine my surprise when I came round here and heard her screaming your name,” Oliver laughed. It was so cold that it would put temperatures in the Arctic to shame.

        “Shame she doesn’t love you anymore really,” I said, moving to lean against the door frame with my arms across my chest.

        The man seemed to think I would be intimidated by him but he was sadly mistaken. I have been in fights with guys bigger than him and walked away the winner.

        If he was here to fight, then I would fight him and it would be another thing he could add to his list of failures. He was unable to beat me in a fight because I left him crying like a baby on the floor.

        “I would really beg to differ on that fact,” Oliver stated as he finally stood up and actually took a moment to look at me. “Why are you naked?”

        “Firstly, the fact she was screaming my name last night is proof enough that she doesn’t love you anymore,” I stated with a casual shrug, taking a step towards him so I was practically face to face with him – well, his face was more in line with my torso than it was with my face. “Secondly, because I made love to Erin until the early hours of the morning before we fell asleep naked in each other’s arms.”

        “Here’s what’s going to happen. You’re going to leave and you’re never going to contact her again. Understood?”

        “No, this is what’s going to happen Oliver. You are going to leave and you are going to let Erin get on with her life because, if you don’t do that, then I have the power to make your life a living hell,” I chuckled as I walked closer towards him, causing him to take a couple of steps backwards as he tripped over his own feet.

        The man needed to get over himself. He was pathetic and that’s what made this all the more hilarious, that he actually thought I was going to listen to him.

        “Like I’m sca—“

        He was stopped in his tracks by the sound of a phone ringing. For a moment I thought it was his until I recognised the ring tone I had assigned to my sister so that I would always know her, then I could also ignore it when I wanted to as well.

        “Sorry. Hold that thought. Must answer this,” I put my finger up to him as I pulled my phone from my jacket pocket, which was on the hallway floor where Erin had thrown it last night as I practically dragged her towards the bedroom.

Our Happy Ending? [#2]Where stories live. Discover now