Kestin - Chapter 2

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Me: So today you're going to meet your voice actors. First up, Kestin!

A/N By the way, unless I say otherwise, the VAs are talking in their normal voices

Kestin: (appearing in the room as well) Howdy!

KC: Wow! Kestin~Kun sounds like Zane~Sen– Kun!

Aphmau: What was that you were about to say?

KC: (bushes) N-nothing... ANYWAY!

Kestin: Yeah, I voice Zane, as well as a few others.

Dante: (up until this point, he was on his phone, not really paying attention) Hey, you sound like me!

Aphmau: I don't get it.

Aaron: Me neither.

Katelyn: He does?

Travis: I'm sorry, buddy, but ...wait, actually, you do.

Kestin: Yeah, I voice Dante too.

Aphmau: Huh, I never noticed before, but Dante kind of does sound like Zane.

Aaron: Oh yeah.

A/N I know, I should probably stop making these mini notes, but whatever. I put that line because before I started paying attention to who voices who, I didn't really notice that people's voices sound similar, but now I notice it every time.

Kestin: Yeah. And does this sound familiar? (in Eric's voice) "Oh sugar pea!"

Katelyn: My dad?! How are you my dad? My dad's old! Don't tell him I said that.

Kestin: Oh, thanks?

Me: He's not your dad first of all, he's just your dad's voice. And Kestin's not old, obviously, he's just a good voice actor who can sound old if he wants to.

Kestin: Thank you.

Me: The same applies to other voice actors. Katelyn, you of all people should know this from theater.

Katelyn: Oh yeah, right. I just didn't think voice acting was real acting.

Aphmau: (suddenly getting possessed by Jess) Voice acting is real acting! (Aphmau goes back to being Aphmau)

Katelyn: Okay, jeez, I got it!

Aaron: Uh, babe, what happened?

Me: She was possessed by her voice actor. But that only happened because her voice actor is also normally the writer that makes everything else about you, so she can decide to possess people. (Even though in this story I'm the writer so I get to make the rules, hehe)

Dante: What was that last thing you said?

Me: Nothing!

Zane: Wait, if you can voice us, does that mean that we can voice you? (in a terrible Kestin voice) (Now I kind of want to hear Kestin do a terrible impression of himself, lol) "Howdy y'all"

Everyone (not Zane): Hahaha!

Zane: Shut up, okay! I thought it would be easier.

Kestin: It takes practice to voice people.

Me: Does anyone else have anything to say to Kestin before he leaves?

Dante: Kestin, can you make my voice even sexier to attract more girls?

Kestin: No, I have to keep your voice how Jess wants it. And even if I did make it different, it would be up to Jess if more girls actually liked it or not.

Dante: Darn! Can you at least ask Jess to do that?

Kestin: I mean I could, but she probably won't do anything about it. You're not really in the series anymore anyway.

Dante: I know, and it sucks!

Nicole: I'm not in it either! No one ever talks about how I'm gone from the series, only about how Laurance and Dante are. Dante's a jerk, why would you want him back?!

Dante: Hey!

Katelyn: I mean, with what you did to her twice, she's not wrong.

Aaron: I think the reason that no one really talks about you not being there later in the story is because you didn't do a whole lot at the beginning either.

Me: Does anyone else have any questions before you all leave?

Zane: Uh, yeah. What kind of things are you into?

Kestin: Well, aside from voice acting, I sing on my YouTube channel.

Zane: Oh.

KC: Oh, Zane~Kin was hoping that he liked My Little Ho–

Zane: Shut up, KC!

Me: Anyway, it was nice meeting you, Kestin. I understand that you're busy and I don't want to take up your time, so we'll say bye!

(Kestin poofs away)

Me: Alright, that was fun! We'll be having another voice actor come by tomorrow, but you all can go home for now. But just so you know, I'm going to remove some of your memories so that you forget that you're characters and will instead think that the VAs and I just live in another dimension. And you will forget what voice actors are and just think that they are people with similar voices to you. But you'll remember everything again when you get back here.

(Everyone poofs away before they can complain)

Me: Oops, Dante left his water cup!

Dante: (poofing back in the room) What is it this time? And why am I the only one?

Me: You left your water cup.

Dante: Oh, thanks. (He picks it up, and I poof him away again)

Word Count: 759

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