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A/N: If you guys tell me to make more chapters, I will probably move the new chapters to being before this one. So if that happens, it will say that I'm creating a new "A/N" chapter, but the actual new chapter will be before the Closing chapter.

Me: Before you all leave for the last time, I want to know if you guys have any last questions for me, since I'm probably not going to talk with you guys again. Does anyone?

Katelyn: Well, my voice actor was really cool. Is there any way I could keep on talking to her or seeing what she's doing?

Dante: Yeah, I want to see if Kestin actually asks Jess about my voice!

Me: Well, this probably won't help you, Dante, but you guys can actually go watch your voice actors' YouTube channels, since they all have one. Even the voice actors that you guys didn't meet have channels. But Aphmau and Aaron, you can't watch your VAs channel, because that is where you guys live and exist, so it's banned in MyStreet.

Aphmau: Aww, I wanted to meet my VA too!

Aaron: I was curious as well.

Me: Well too bad. Unless someone comments to make a chapter where you guys meet Jess or Jason, you guys won't get to meet them.

Aaron: Aww.

Me: But for the rest of you guys, Kestin's YouTube channel is KestinThe Voice (, Moeka's is MegaMoeka (, I know that none of Chris' characters are alive, but in case anyone is interested in his YouTube Channel, his YouTube channel is Christopher Escalante (, Lizzy's is PrincessRizu (, Patrick's channel is P. M. Seymour (, Corinne's is Megami 33 (, Anairis's is anichans (, and Jason Lord's is HEYSUEZO (

Travis: Oh nice!

Me: Now, I'll erase part of your memories at the same time that I teleport you guys.

(They all poof back to their houses for the last time)

Anyway, thank you guys so much for reading this! I'm sorry that this last chapter is pretty short, but it's the closing chapter so that's my excuse. There wasn't really a whole lot of story in it. Please leave a vote and comment what you liked or if I made a spelling mistake (which I probably did) or anything like that, or if you want another chapter, or just anything you want to tell me! I will try to respond to anyone that comments. I also did shorten this chapter a bit recently. Bye y'all!

Word Count: 437

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