~ Chapter 23 ~

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Laura Thompson's POV (Present Year: 2023)

I awake with a start, bolting upright, panting heavily, my mind abuzz with confusion and uncertainty.

Where am I? What's going on? How'd I get here?

My gaze wanders around the room I'm currently in, the familiarity calming me as I sigh, dragging a palm down my face.

"I'm back at JSC," I murmur aloud, flopping back against the pillows, eyes fixated on the bleak ceiling above me. "But how?..."

Rolling onto my side, I allow my rather hazy gaze to examining the table beside me, my phone neatly sitting face up and plugged in.

I didn't plug that in....

My confusion continues to grow as I roll back into the soft pillows beneath me, once more pulling myself to a sitting position, my eyes scanning the room yet again.

That's Vivi's camera equipment... My jacket is draped over the back of the office chair...

With a rather tired huff, I swing my legs over the side of the bed, the coolness of the floor beneath my feet pulling me from my groggy state.

I'm still in the same sweatpants and t-shirt I had on from yesterday...

What is going on here?

Slumping forward slightly, I rest my chin on my knuckle, my gaze wandering the scene on the opposite side of the small window in front of me.

There's not really much movement going on outside, other than the few birds jumping and swooping around here and there.

However, making up for the absence of movement in the real word, my mind is bustling with thoughts.

I can't even say I recall getting back to JSC... The last thing I really remember is drifting off, watching the dotted white lines of the Interstate blur by...

A slight shiver makes its way up my spine as realization settles over me.

Elon must've brought me inside...

My cheeks begin to heat up as my train of thought continues.

Did he carry me?... Oh gosh... I hope no one saw anything...

Chuckling to myself and shaking away the thoughts, I leave my bed behind, strolling towards the bathroom, quickly looking myself over in the mirror.

"I look like a complete mess," I groan under my breath, turning the faucet on and wetting a nearby facecloth, dragging the cool object down my face before removing it with yet another laugh.

"Lookin' good!" I drawl in a lousy impression of some sort of Southern accent, shooting finger guns at my reflection.

Nice! Better mentality there, Lori!

I don't let my grin fade as I shrug off my current clothes, tossing them into the hamper, before pulling on the familiar blue jumpsuit and tying my hair back into a haphazard looking bun.

"I wonder what time we actually got back here at..." I mumble aloud, shutting off the lights as I leave the smaller room behind and head towards the larger room's exit, slipping into my military grade boots as I do so. "It couldn't have been that late... The Aquarium was only open till 8... We couldn't have been at the Pier for that long..."

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