Chaper 11 (Finale)

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《Jailey Fanfic》
"♡A Path To Your Heart♡"
Chapter 11:

Zander's POV:

Tick... Tock... Tick...
Minute after minute. Every second felt like an hour and every minute was like a year. But still, I was patient. She was just knocked out. No need to be so dramatic. She was fine.
The bench was cold and stony, and I longed to get up and rush to her room to see her. I stole a glance at Jake, who was biting the inside of his cheek nervously.
*What if the hit was harder than Drew thought? And she - *
Pfft, Don't be so stupid, I interrupted the train of thought.
But -
Zander, no. Stop being so killjoy!
Zoey could've -
I never continued, for all of the sudden, footsteps were heard and I snapped my head up. A doctor with a nametag Noelle plastered against her white coat was coming.
"Are you here for Hailey Alabama?" she inquired.
"Yes. Is she okay? I said in a rush.
"She's fine. Come this way, I'll show you her room," said Noelle placidly.
I rushed to follow her, but Jake got there first, and was already several feet in front of her. He kept looking behind to see where she would turn next. I tailed after him.
Soon, we reached the room 377, and I only saw a glimpse of Hailey before she was crushed in a hug by Jake.
"Thank goodness!" he breathed, letting go as she laughed. "I thought -"
"Don't be so silly, I'm perfectly fine!" she said.
I walked briskly into her room and wrapped my arms around her shoulders. She hugged me back, and I felt relief wash over me. No words were spoken, but a silent understanding passed through us.

But god, I still couldn't let go of the image when she saw Jake. Her eyes... They hadn't looked so excited since she got her first electric guitar for her birthday. She looked so happy...
"Did the doctor say she's good to go?" I asked.
"Yeah, he said Hailey can go home and rest. I'll be going somewhere else anyway so you can bring her home." Jake replied.
"Alright, let's get going then," I looked back at Hailey.
She hesitated. "Well... I was actually thinking if Jake could take me home. You have to stop by Luke's house anyway..."
"But -"
"C'mon, Zander," she tilted her head, and I sighed.
"Oh, alright," I chuckled.
Hailey grinned, and mouthed a "thank you". We walked out of the room, said a goodbye to Noelle, and then headed towards the parking lot. I took out the keys to my car.
"Well, I'll see you then," I called as I drove off. I watched their silhouettes fade in the mirror as I got farther and farther away until I couldn't see them anymore.

Hailey's POV
"So... where are you gonna take me?" I turned to Jake as Zander's car pulled out of sight. He didn't answer, but smiled as he held open the car door for me to enter.
"You'll see," he said simply as he boarded the driver's seat. To my surprise, he leaned over, and gently wrapped a blindfold across my raven black eyes. A small smile tugged at my lips, and I felt butterflies rise in my stomach as he momentarily brushed his hand across mine. I swallowed, trying to calm them down.
For several minutes, there was nothing between us but silence, and roguish music from the radio played in my ears.
"So, no hints for me, huh?" I said after several songs had played. I heard him chuckle.
"Don't worry, we're almost there."

"I'm not impatient or anything," I raised my eyebrows, "take your time."
"I wouldn't want my princess to wait," though I couldn't see him, I could just picture Jake winking, and it brought a slight warmth to my cheeks.
"Oh, shut up," I groaned, and then laughed. He joined me, his voice like the soft tinkle of bells.
Shortly after, I felt the car lurch to a stop, tires scraping against gravel. The driver's door opened and then closed, and I felt a light, evening breeze rush in through my side as Jake opened the door for me.
"Take my hand," he said, guiding me out as I stumbled blindly. "
Grass brushed my legs as we walked, hand in hand. I couldn't tell where we were going, but Jake seemed confident. I couldn't help but feel impatient, dying to see what he was leading me to, but at the same time, every step with him felt like a year of bliss. But after what seemed like an eternity, he lost grip of my hand, and then walked behind me to take off the blindfold.
"Ta-da!" he said, lifting it from my eyes. I gasped.
Jake had taken me to a stunning, majestic garden that looked like it had been enchanted. It was now twilight, and small stars were squeezing out of the sky, smiling down at the two of us. Tall blades of grass tickled our legs as blooming tulips swayed in the breeze. I craned my neck to look at the towering elm trees that twisted overhead, lanterns hanging from them.
"It's so... beautiful," I breathed. I turned to him, face full of ecstasy. "How'd you find this place?!"

He gave a hearty laugh that made my heart dance. "I have my ways."
"Thank you..." I looked deep into his eyes, lost for words.
"For what?"
"Just..." I waved my hand around, trying to find the right things to say. "Everything. For... Always being here with me."
"I'll always be here for my princess," he smiled, and took both hands in mine. It was silent, but I could hear violins playing in my ears so loud, I was sure he could hear it too.
"You mean the world to me, Hailey," his eyebrows unbent slowly, and a grin stretched across his face, "you really have no idea."
"The same goes to you," I murmured. My teal hair whipped in the evening wind.
"I have something to say," he began.
"But you have to answer my question first."
"Fire away, dear knight," I held my breath, waiting.
"Do you love me?"
My heart. It was racing so fast I could hardly believe I was still standing. But I didn't have time to register it, for the words came bursting out of my mouth in a hurry:
I will never forget that smile he wore that day. It was like a true ray of sunshine, and his eyes sparkled with happiness.
"Well then, I have to tell you," he said, "that I love you too. I've reached the end of the path that led to your heart, and I'll never regret the journey. It took so long, but we're here now, aren't we?"
Tears were streaming down his face, and I could feel my own springing at the corners of my eyes.
"I love you, Hailey."
"I love you too."

Jake placed his hands on my face, and I closed my eyes expectantly. I was aware of everything - my heartbeat, the whirling thoughts in my mind, the wind blowing my hair...
He leaned in, and then our lips touched and we kissed.
The violin in my ears had reached its maximum volume. The butterflies in my stomach had grown to be too many to count, and they were exploding. Everything around us felt like it had disappeared. It was just me and Jake, together...
The moment seemed to have lasted forever. We pulled apart, and I opened my eyes as Jake pulled me closer to his arms. His hug felt so warm.
"I'm so glad you decided to take one" I whispered as I looked up into his soft, brown eyes.
"Take one what?"
"A path to my heart."

~The End~

OMGG!!! MY FIRST BOOK IS FINISHED!!, AAAAA Thank you all for you're support and love from this book and... I JUST... THANK YOU!!! AAAA! Anyways,, I really hope you liked this book and... you can leave any suggestions of what book should I make next! So... until next time! ~Kopuhai and FurryQueen. God bless and keep safe! ^w^

Credits go to Loony_Lovegood_101 for writing most of this Chapter! Go check her out! She's cool tbh-

edit 1: damn I was so energetic anyways

I have been through character development okay bye HAHAHAH

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I have been through character development okay bye HAHAHAH

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