Bacon bits, Chicken, and Sleepyhead (2)

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I walk back into Hawks agency and quickly sneak into the locker room. I quickly strip out of my hero costume and turn on the shower and hop in. The ice cold water chilling me to the bone and I let out a content sigh. A red feather finds it way into the and I hear Hawks enter the locker room.

"Hey kid why is the water cold?" He questions and I roll my eyes and let out a small laugh.

"I normally take cold showers. They calm me and help me unwind from the day." I respond in a bored voice and I hear him let out a laugh and his feather returns to him. "So why did you follow me earlier. Don't try denying it your the only hero with wind and I head you take of and land in a tree."

"I don't know what your talking about." He tries to lie and I turn off the shower and wrap myself in a towel stepping out. I see him leaning against the wall. When he sees me a smirk makes it way onto his lips.

"Hawks much like you my mutation gives me enhanced senses. It's how I was able to run for so long."

"I just wanted to make sure you weren't going to get in any trouble your working under my name."

"Now I maybe a bitch but I'm not stupid but I guess I should tell you what I told Shouto." I make a wall of ice with some shadows inside between us as I quickly get dressed.

"Since I'm caught I am quiet curious what you were so secretive about."

"I'm pregnant and not by choice if you get what I mean. I think I'm about 3 months along." (She got pregnant her first night back it took Aizawa about a month and a half to go get her and another month and a half to be fit enough to work,)

"Your what?" He questions and I sigh taking down the wall and lift up my shirt and turn sideways. He looks at me up and down and sees my slightly extended stomach. "Who all knows?"

"Eraserhead my mom, dad, brother, ex and Shouto, Now you do too. Look I'm only telling you this because it may cause you issues with the deal with my father." I see him nod and take a step closer when suddenly there is a loud explosion from somewhere in the city. We make eye contact and I quickly strip and put my hero costume back on and tie my hair up in a ponytail.

"Lets go I guess neither of us will make it home till late." I nod and we run out of the agency and he takes to the sky. After a moment he swoops down and picks me up realizing I can't fly. We make it to the sight in remarkable time and he sets me on the ground. I allow my instincts to take over as we come face to face with several Nomu.

"Not these shits again." I sigh and activate my quirk sending some already destroyed ground at a nomu and shooting fire at another one. I see blue flames and growl taking off towards them.

Once I get close to the source I sigh when I see Dabi. I let out a low growl and take a step towards him. I clear my throat and he looks up at me and smirks. He walks towards me and I put my hand up stopping him from coming closer. I take a deep breath and take control over some of the flames putting them out before approaching him.

"Vixen what a pleasant surprise. Ready to join?" I let out a soft laugh at his question and roll my eyes.

"Never going to join T. I'm happy being a hero." I walk up to him and wrap my arms around his neck. He smirks down at me and wraps his arms around my waist. "Your brother says hi by the way and he's doing well. One of the big three at UA." I say leaning up and nibbling on his ear my eyes slightly glowing. Dabi lets out an unsteady breath and relaxes in my hold as i play with the hair at the nape of his neck. I smirk at this and pepper kisses down his neck. "You know master you could always have me." He lets out a growl at this and give him innocent eyes. The flames around us go out and I peck his lips.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2020 ⏰

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