Chapter 2

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The boy raised his hands. 

"Woah I'm not trying to fight." I put my fists down slowly. 

"Are you the one who's been following me?"

"No that was me." I whip around and see a tall girl with brown hair and olive skin walk up behind me. 

"Who are you?"

"I'm Anya, and that's Lincoln," she says, pointing at him. He gives an innocent wave. She walks past me and stands next to him, high fiving. I narrow my eyes and pick up the fish. 

"What do you want with me." Anya and Lincoln exchange glances.

"Well, we had never seen you before, so we thought we'd scare you," Anya shrugs matter-of-factly. I raise an eyebrow.

"So, you just wanted to scare me?" They nodded. I shake my head.

"Well I hope you had fun, I will be leaving now." I start walking when Anya grabs my arm.

"We can show you around and introduce you to some of our friends tomorrow, besides, you seem to need some," she said. I step back.

"Well why would I, that was rude," I growl. Lincoln stepped forward.

"She just meant you seem a little... feisty," he said, looking at Anya who nodded and gave a thumbs up. I stared at them.

"Fine sure, whatever." I start walking away, shaking my head.

"Wait, blondie, what's your name," Lincoln yells.

"Clarke Griffin."


I light a candle and climb into bed. I take out my sketch book and start drawing. I let my pencil guide me. It's comforting. A picture starts to appear. The woods on the way to the market. I continue drawing and when I'm satisfied, I hold it out in front of me. There are two people there as well. Lincoln and Anya. I get up to hang it on the wall with some of the rest of my drawings. I hang it up right next to the portrait of my dad. I climb back into bed, blowing out my candle.


"Honey, you're friends are here," my mom calls from the front of the house. I swing a bag around my shoulders and walk past my mom.

"We aren't friends," I mutter, walking past her.

"Wait wait wait Clarke." I turn around and she puts a hand on my face. 

"Be careful sweetie." She kisses my forehead. Lincoln and Anya snicker and my face flushes.

"I will mom, I'll be back before you even know I'm gone." She nods, smiling, and I walk out the door.

"Also have fun Clarke," she calls after me. I snort as we head into the woods.

"Where should we take her first," Lincoln asks Anya. 

"I already told some of our friends to meet us at my house," she said, turning onto a different trail." I frown and look up at the sky. I hope I don't regret this. A house comes into sight. Anya starts running, followed by Lincoln. I hesitate, but run after them. A group of kids sat in front of the house. 

"Hey guys, this is Clarke." I smile and extend my hand. 

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