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It was a late Saturday evening, and here I was settled comfortably on my couch in a (f/c) t-shirt and baggy pajama pants, as I looked for a movie to watch.

I surfed around on Disney+ since I was in the mood for a good kid-friendly Disney movie. After some time of looking, I was about to give up and finally just go to sleep but a movie caught my eye last minute.

"Zootopia," was what it was called. I had heard about it a few times over the years but never got around to actually watching it.

The title showed a cute, short grey bunny with lilac purple eyes in a police-like uniform and a red fox with green eyes in a Hawaiian shirt and normal pants. Both leaned against each other, their arms crossed with smiles, looking like good friends.

As tired as I was I didn't bother with reading the description or watching the trailer.

It looked like it could be an enjoyable movie so I pressed the play button on the tv remote control, and sat down the remote, watching as the classic Disney intro began to play.

I yawned sleepily, my eye lids growing heavy before I finally gave in and shut them, but when I opened them and instead of seeing my living room... I saw nothing but an almost blinding white everywhere.

My eyes widened as I glanced around frantically, my head darting in each direction. 

What happened? Did I fall asleep that quick?

Why is there just an endless white void around me? There is no source of light anywhere. 

How did I get here? Or did I seriously fall asleep that quickly...?

I had no idea what was going on or even where I was at and if this even was a dream, and if it was a dream it was the most vivid one I've had so far.

There was nothing and no one anywhere, except the light. 

I took a shaky breath before finally speaking up. "Hello, is anyone else here?" I called out. My voice echoed back.

There was a painful moment of silence with no answer. I thought about trying to call out again. I opened my mouth to call out once again but was interrupted by a voice finally answering back.

"Oh my... You must be quite confused." A  voice stated vaguely from seemingly no where. 

Of course, I'm confused! Who wouldn't be?

I looked around once more. Even tried looking both up and down but saw nothing and no one. If no one was actually here where was the voice even coming from?

"Trust me, (Y/n), looking for me is meaningless. I do not have a physical form." The voice clarified as if what they were saying was completely normal.

"You... don't have a physical form...?" I repeated in confusion. My eyebrows furrowed together.

"Yes, that is correct but that is not what we should be discussing right now." They said, "You must want an explanation of why you are here, correct?" They asked.

I hesitantly nodded. I do want to know why I am here. There has to be some kind of explanation.

"It is simple, you are dead." They said, in an oddly optimistic tone.

I... I'm dead. As in like six feet below, dead? There is no way I'm actually dead, I'm definitely dreaming. Isn't the afterlife supposed to be more lively than this anyway?

"You... mean that I'm actually dead and this is the afterlife?" I managed to ask it.

"Afterlife...? Is that what you humans call this? Strange..." The voice trailed off not even acknowledging my question.

If I was actually dead and this wasn't a dream, how did I even die? The last thing I remember was falling asleep on the couch while watching tv. I couldn't see how I'd die from that. 

The voice hummed. "You don't remember, do you?" 

"Remember what?" I raised a brow. 

"While in your sleep you suffered from a ruptured brain aneurysm and died with in a few hours," It told, "Such an unfortunate way to go, is it not?"

A brain aneurysm, really? That's what my dream state came up with of all things?

"I know it can be a lot to take in for mortals, especially ones in denial like you, but you are one of the few lucky ones! I am giving you a one time offer, " they continued, "You can live once again! Isn't that neat?"

Wait... What? They were offering for me to live again? 

But then again could I even trust this random dream voice? Was this voice actually even real or am I dreaming? Then again I guess it wouldn't hurt to find out.

"Are you serious? I'm not dreaming but dead, and I could see everyone one last time?" I asked it in a hopeful yet cautious tone.

This all could just be my imagination or it could be real. So maybe I should treat this as if it was real. 

"Yes... but be warned your world will be different than what you are used to," They paused, "A different reality to be exact."

Different reality...? A different universe?

"So, like an alternate reality?" I questioned with a raised eyebrow. I heard it hum, "Exactly." They answered.

I thought for a brief moment.

If all of this was real... did I even want to go back to an alternate reality?

It may or may not be the same but it had to be similar. I'd still be me. I'm also still fairly young and want to live at least a little while longer...

"I want to go back. I... don't mind if it's a different reality," I finally answered the voice. "Are you sure?" They asked for confirmation.

I took a breath before nodding firmly. At least I think I'm sure...

"Very well then. I will send you on your way. "Good luck," as you mortals say." They responded in a satisfied tone.

I took in a shaky breath as I noticed the seemingly endless white void around me began to gradually fade to black in the distance and grew closer. 

"Goodbye, I guess..." I trailed off with a gulp as I watched the dark grow much closer.

I was barely able to make out a faint echoed, "Goodbye, (Y/n)."

And slowly but surely that white void along with the voice was gone leaving me in complete and total darkness.

If this isn't all just a dream, I hope this new reality won't be too different.

(A/n): 899 words. Not as long as I wanted it to be but don't worry the next chapter has plenty for you to read. I hope you enjoy reading, (Y/n).

Also, feedback and commentary are appreciated. :)

Edited on: 12/27/2020

Edited(again): 2/24/2022         Word count: 1125

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