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© 2015 Luna Black


When the song is introduced in the chapter, you should listen to El Tango de Roxanne from the Moulin Rouge film; it makes it more vivid. The song is on the top [mobile] side [laptop]. If you're on your phone, slide the picture to the left and the song should show. Enjoy!

The Olympians watched as Demos pushed an unconscious Artemis into one of the cells; he kicked her in when she slumped to the side and slammed the barred door behind him. He left the room and a couple of seconds later he entered with Persephone, slung over his shoulder.

Her eyes were slowly opening as she regained some consciousness, but she wasn’t strong enough to fight Demos yet. She groaned as he dumped her on the floor and her body hitting the floor made a thudding noise.

Demos left yet again, whistling under his breath and this time entered the room with Ariel over his shoulder. Her stomach was on his hard, bony shoulder and her head kept smacking into the back of his thigh.

Her long black hair reached the floor, sometimes getting caught in the things that were scattered across the floor, but she wasn’t conscious enough to notice the pain shooting through her scalp. Demos dumped her next to Persephone, groaning as he snapped the iron handcuffs on her wrists.

Soon after he was gone, leaving the rest of the gods in darkness and fear.

Hades was leaning against the iron bars, completely sober as he watched Ariel’s back move up and down. At least he knew she was alive and breathing, but it would most likely not be for long.

He needed to tell her that he was sorry. He needed to let her know that he was an idiot for letting her go and that he understood if he hated her, but his love for her would surpass his death. The death that was coming no matter who fought or who got in the way.

To protect Ariel, he’d do anything he could.

Slowly Persephone began to wake up, her eyes gazing over the darkness and she groaned. The side of her head was aching tremendously and she touched it, grimacing at the sticky substance pouring from it. She looked at her fingers, biting her bottom lip at the dark blood that suddenly covered her fingertips.

She looked up, frowning at the hands that were tied above hers. They were both tied to a pole with ringlets to tie the handcuffs from. Ariel’s hands were hanging above hers and she looked to be in the most uncomfortable position.

“Ariel?” Persephone whispered, touching her foot with her own. But she received no answer. She cleaned her bloody fingers on her chiton, taking a deep breath and forced herself to move closer to the mortal. “Ariel?” She whispered louder, moving her shoulder with a bit more force.

Ariel groaned, recoiling from the goddesses’ touch slowly and hissed at the pain on her wrists. They burned, as if she had cut her skin and poured salt over her wounds. She slowly sat up, adjusting herself so that she was leaning against the iron pole and moaned at the ache of her joints.

“Persephone?” She croaked, blinking rapidly to try and adjust her eyesight. “Where are we?”

She shrugged, leaning her back against the pole as well so they were looking at different directions. “I don’t know; I think it’s the Underworld, but I wasn’t looking when that thing brought me in.”

“You’re in the Underworld,” Hades whispered, startling both of them.

“Hades?” Persephone frowned, “What’s going on? Where are you?”

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