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© 2015 Luna Black


Warning: Don’t read this chapter if you’re happy or want to be happy the rest of the day. It’s a fucked up chapter, really. Like I was drowning in my fucking tears. And if you don’t cry or tear up, then man, you’re heartless. If you’re like me and want to make it even more emotional [‘cause I’m crazy] listen to Arms by Christina Perri.

An amused smirk grew on her lips and a strange glint shone in her eyes as she stepped forward, clasping her hands before her. “That’s cute,” she tilted her head, “you think you have a choice.” Persephone glared at Hades, “You don’t, Hades. Renounce your throne if you know what’s good for you.”

“No,” he repeated, his gaze never wavering from hers.

Persephone sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose and said, “Really, Hades? You’re going to make me do this?” She walked over to his cell, kicking the door open and he fell on his side, not strong enough to uphold his own weight. “This metal,” she said thoughtfully, “was made with metals from grandfather’s time. That’s why all of your powers are basically useless. It was made to suck the life source out of the caged animal—in this case, it would be you guys.”

Hades growled, pushing himself to sit up and groaned at the pain his joints were experiencing. “When I can stand, Persephone, I will make you regret ever doing this.”

“Hades,” she sighed again, “hasn’t Rhea ever thought you not to make promises that you cannot uphold to? Like,” she glanced at Ariel who was still struggling to stand up, “you swore on the River Styx to make everything in your power to make her happy; yet on your wedding day, you left her.”

The God looked down at the floor, shame clear in his eyes and he whispered, “I had my reasons.”

“Yeah,” Her eyes grew teary, “my mother. She went to you, didn’t she? She told me that she was going to try and put doubts in your head so that the mortal would fall into this damn trap. I tried to stop her, but your idiot guards thought that I came to interrupt the wedding.”

She shook her head, looking down at Hades with a sudden anger blazing her watered brown eyes. “Did you know that all you had to do was marry Ariel and the curse would go away?” Her jaw clenched in anger and she bit her bottom lip to keep herself from crying, “All you had to do was show her how much you loved her, that you would stick with her through it all and she would be fine! But no! You had to let your damn insecurities get the best of you!”

“You caused those insecurities, Persephone!” He bit out.

“I apologised!” She hissed in return, “But what do I get in return? The love of my life stripped away right before my eyes! Axon was the only one who ever cared for me. Even my mother didn’t give a shit about me, she was always too greedy; comparing the things she had between the other goddesses belongings. My father? He simply adored Athena! She was his favourite child and he never gave me the time of day.” She snorted, wiping away her tears, “But I never complained! And then I chose to stay with you; it was my way of rebelling and I thought that for the first time, someone cared for me.”

“But my mother told me that you wouldn’t make me happy, she planted seeds in my brain. Evil thoughts and she ripped the love I had for you away. You know she’s the reason we never had kids?” Her bottom lip trembled as her eyes spilled tears, “My mother made sure that any living egg inside of me would be killed before I could have your child; I had two abortions Hades. Two fucking abortions because of her and I thought that you would notice. I was waiting for you to notice when I started distancing myself from you and that your love for me would come through and you’d tell me that it would be okay. But you never did; you demonstrated that you didn’t love me. So I got my pleasure from other gods and ended up leaving you.”

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