chapter 18

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Aarna's POV:

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Aarna's POV:

The next morning, I woke up at my usual time but to my surprise, Dhruv was still sleeping while holding me tightly in his arms.

I was shocked when I saw him sleeping until now. He never once missed his morning run or his exercises, even when the entire world was turning upside down. So it's the news to witness this rare sight.

I slowly got out of his hold cautiously to not wake him up, lest he might drag me along with him in this chilly weather as I agreed to come with him to the morning run daily.

So I carefully entered the washroom to start my day and got ready to meet Daksha Akka.

By the time I got ready, Dhruv slowly opened his eyes and looked at me before squinting his eyes to adjust himself to welcome the brightness of the sun rays that were seeping through the glass door of the balcony.

"What's the time now?" He asked groggily.

"Nearly 8'O clock, " I said, and hearing the time, he instantly sprang up from the bed with a startle.

"Damn. Why do I doze off like a log till this time? It has never happened to me before. Argh..anyways leave it. I am already late. I have an important meeting to attend today. How can I be so reckless? " He rambled to himself like a senior citizen and brushed past me before rushing into the washroom hurriedly.

I sighed and went downstairs. When the breakfast was prepared, I helped them in setting it on the dining table.

Soon we all had our breakfast and as for Dhruv, without even glancing at us, he rushed outside while holding his laptop bag and some documents.

"This boy." Athayya shook her head, seeing him rushing out.

I stood up and followed him outside to remind him to have his breakfast.

"Dhruv!" I called out when he was about to enter his car which was just taken out by the guard from the garage.

He turned around and raised his eyebrows in a questioning manner.

"Don't forget to have your breakfast," I said and he nodded at me slowly before entering his car.

Seeing this, I turned on my heels to go inside but stopped in my tracks when he called me.


"Yes," I spun around in his direction and saw him looking at me through the window of his car.

"You are going out with Daksha..right. Be careful." He said and hearing his words, warmth seeped into my heart. I smiled at him brightly before nodding at him.

"Sure. All the best for your meeting, " I said and went inside after seeing him, leaving in his car before nodding at me.

I went inside and I informed everyone about me, going out with Daksha Akka. She already messaged me this morning that she would come and pick me up. So I was just waiting for her arrival.

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