chapter 23

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Early update😌

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Early update😌

Dhruv's POV:

After she was done with her lamenting, we both went for some more rides. When it was time for lunch, we both grabbed burgers and she ate it like she had been starving from the morning.

The hell. The only thing she has been doing from the morning is, eating.

When we were done with our food, we both went for other rides that she had demanded.

When it was nearing the evening, she dragged me to the side and urged me to click the pictures of hers before handing me the camera that she had brought with her.

She was giving weird poses for the camera which successfully attracted the attention of all the passers and they started looking at her strangely as if she was a wacko.

When they were done looking at her, some of them shifted their glances to me, being the photographer of that kook.

"I have nothing to do with her. I am just helping her as a fellow human," So I started explaining to everyone who spared me a glance in a humble tone.

She stopped posing and glared at me after hearing my words and left from there angrily with a huff.

I bit back my smile and followed her closely. She stopped walking and stood in front of a fountain while crossing her hands to her front. come and pacify me soon was written all over her face.

She began giving me side glances but when I fixed my gaze on her, she turned her face to another side with a huff, clearly throwing a tantrum.

I chuckled a little and moved to reach her but halted on my way when the fountain she was standing in front of, suddenly started sprinting the water around.

She must have startled by it as she turned her body around and looking at the fountain with her mouth agape. I started laughing at her muddled look.

The water that was springing up from the fountain pitter-pattered on the people who were standing close to it.

Not even minding it, she was still gawking at that fountain but the only difference was, her muddled look transformed into some sort of admiration.

Since it's winter, it already started getting dark, the neon lights that the fountain was emitting were looking so ethereal in this dingy evening. Seeing this, soon a bright smile adorned her face.

My eyes were glued to her all the time, capturing every minute transformation in her expression. Instead of using her camera, I took out my phone and took a snap of her amused yet serene face discreetly.

I immediately pocketed my phone when I saw her turning around to look at me. I walked up to her and dragged her back a little, shielding her from the pattering.

"Let's head back home, shall we?" I asked her when I noticed that it was near the closing time of the park.

She immediately flicked her wrist to glance at her watch and said," No. Still, 40 minutes are there. I have yet to ride the Ferris wheel. So, please. It hardly takes 20 minutes for a ride to get completed."

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