Flower Crowns (1)

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Haruhi was cleaning up the mess Hikaru and Kaoru made when she heard the music door creaking open.

She watched as the girl peaked a look inside before her eyes landed on a certain black-haired boy.

Haruhi tilted her head when she saw a fond smile grace her face.

She moved to greet the girl but the girl quickly left soon after.

A fangirl perhaps?

Shrugging she went back to cleaning, but the girl's fond smile still lingered in her mind.

"Haruhi? Hellloooo— Haruhi?!" She jumped.

"What?" She batted Hikaru's hand away which was poking her cheek.

"You were just staring at the door for five minutes straight—" Hikaru yawned, leaning against her shoulder.

"Do you really want to leave that much?" Kaoru cried dramatically as if in pain when she replied with a flat "yes."

"Hikaru. Kaoru. Did you guys also notice the girl by the door earlier?" she questioned them.

She watched as they shared a brief look before turning to her.


"Wasn't paying attention." They shrugged nonchalantly.


Haruhi was walking out of the school when she glanced outside one of the huge windows.

A black-haired girl sat on one of the benches twirling a single yellow rose with an orange border.

A soft smile graced her face. Haruhi thought she had a beautiful smile and couldn't help but softly smile.

Gathering her courage she walked up to the girl. Lavender eyes met chocolate brown.

"Hi, I'm Fujioka Haruhi. It's a pleasure to meet you, I've never seen you before. Are you new?" Haruhi lightly questioned the girl who softly blushed.

"I used to attend here from elementary to middle school, but I moved to England last year. I decided I wanted to come back. Oh yeah sorry— My name is Nanami. Shimizu Nanami."


The next time Haruhi saw Nanami was when she was out on a coffee run.

"Nanami-senpai?" she called out to the third-year.

The said girl turned to her and grinned happily. "Haruhi! It's great to see you again."

"Agreed. What are you doing?" Haruhi questioned.

"Making flower crowns. Do you want to join me?" She asked, gesturing to the pile of assorted real flowers and wire.

Haruhi looked at her watch briefly yet Nanami took notice. "Oh, you're busy, maybe next time."

Haruhi chuckles awkwardly, "Yeah maybe next time. It was great seeing you. Hope I can see you again soon."

"Of course. Oh! Wait before you go, here." Haruhi watched as her senpai friend placed a beautifully made flower crown on top of her head.

Haruhi reached up and touched one of the soft flower petals. "Thank you senpai. It's beautiful."

Nanami-senpai just smiled, pleased with her work.

"See you later!"


Dark onyx orbs watched the exchange from a nearby window with a soft smile.

"Takashi?" Mitsukuni called out to his tall cousin.

When he didn't reply and continued to look out the window, his curiosity peaked. Walking towards the window he saw Haruhi and Nanami?

"Oh. It's Nanami, are you going to say hi?" He questioned. Takashi hesitated.

"Mn. Ah. Next time." Takashi replied, watching Nanami giggle as she continued making flower crowns.

He continued to watch her from the window until it was time to go to the host club.


Nanami smiled at the brown-haired crossdresser, yeah she knew her friend Haruhi was a girl by the way she moved and held herself.

She was surprised none of the other girls realized the little fact, but then again people tended to see what they wanted to see.

Although she knew the little fact she never outright asked her about it, but then again the female uniform was extremely outdated and kind of ugly in her personal opinion.

Takashi told her she looked beautiful in it but for all she knew, he was just trying to be polite.

Smiling inwardly, she took a sip of her peach tea. She sighed pleased at the refreshing taste.

"Nanami-senpai?" Haruhi called out.

Looking up from her tea, she tilted her head in question, "yes Haruhi dear?"

"Not to pry, but you don't seem to be like the type of girl to go to a host club." Haruhi replied bluntly.

Nanami chuckled softly. "I don't. But since it's my last year of high school I wanted to spend some time with you."

Before Haruhi could reply, someone interrupted them.

"Excuse me?" came a voice beside Haruhi.

Both girls turned to the speaker. Nanami recognized her classmate immediately.

"I hate to disturb," she said, "but I think it's time for the host to switch clients."

Nanami nodded, "See you later, Haruhi. Text you later, kay?"

Haruhi apologized. "Sorry senpai, and yeah talk to you later."

Before leaving the table, she quietly greeted her classmate. "Hello Kana-chan."

"Hello to you too, Nami-chan." She responded with a sweet smile.

As she left the table she heard the two talking and internally laughed.

"My name's Kanako, Kasugazaki Kanako." Kanako introduced herself.

"You're cuter than I expected. I've decided, from now on you're going to be my new favorite host."

Nanami bit down a laugh when she heard a strangle gasp in the distance. Oh Tamaki...

Walking towards the exit, she spared a glance at Takashi's table and smiled at the two cousin's display, how sweet.

Before she could walk out of the music room a voice stopped her in her tracks. "Nanami-senpai please wait."

Turning to the voice she grinned, "How can I help you Kyoya-kun?" he didn't immediately reply and handed her a beautiful bouquet of dark red and light pink tulips.

Guests nearby watched the interaction in mild fascination, surprise, and envy. Nanami was the most surprised, "Oh. Thank you, but you know I..."

Kyoya shook his head, "These are not from me but from him. I'm terribly busy and must unfortunately cut this short. Have a good day, Nanami-senpai."

"You too..." She trailed off absentmindedly, too engrossed in the bouquet of tulips.

A pleased and fond look appeared on her face, ignoring the jealous whispers and gossip, she held the flowers close to her chest and walked out the club doors.

Takashi watched the whole interaction blank-faced but was internally pleased, while he was distracted he did not notice the smirk that crossed Mitsukuni's face before his cheerful and bubbly persona took over.

Mitsukuni internally fanboyed. His cousin was hopelessly in love.


Flower Crowns (Takashi Morinozuka)Where stories live. Discover now