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As Jungkook was recording the footage

Jungkook's p.o.v

Hmmm....done recording...Wait!


Red light.....of course!It's a camera.Then it means!There is another reporter here!NAH!This is news will play on my CHANNEL!

huh dumb reporter!Imma show you a movie now

End of Jungkook's p.o.v

He put his camera on his pocket and sneaked out from that place.Then again he went there but he stood in front of the guards.

Jungkook:Do you have lighter?

Guard1:Who are you?Get lost from here!

Jungkook:Just a lighter bro

The guard gave him a lighter

Jungkook:Is there any shooting going on?movie?


Jungkook:I saw someone with camera

Guard:What!Everyone! get the person!There is someone here

Jungkook:Bye my dear reporter!

as guards went in to search the person.......Jungkook went to his car.....when he was about to drive....He saw


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I was about to go out then saw they guards are running...What the hell!I think the know that someone is here!

Oh Y/N you have to run!

Jungkook's p.o.v:

yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!what have I done!What if she got caught by them!

I went towards the place again and saw Y/N coming out from the place while running!

end of Jungkook's p.o.v

As a came out from there...someone caught my hand and pulled me somewhere!


He put a hand on my mouth

???:Shut up you dumbass...or WE'll get caught!



He removed his hand from my mouth

You:Jungkook! (I whispered)




You:You-ahahahah....your look!A pure homeless!

your look!A pure homeless!

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He gave me death glare

Jungkook:I saved you and you are telling me this!

You:Are you sure?


You:the way those guards ran...it looked like someone told them that I was here

I raised an eyebrow

Jungkook:Huh...what are you saying......

You:Whatever!I guess you are here for the footage too?

Jungkook:Ah yes

You:Okay.....we should go now



To Be Continued...........

Rude Troublesome Reporters✔️(completed)Where stories live. Discover now