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It's so dark now.But thanks to the moonlight

It's so hard to walk here without any light and moreover I think those people are chasing us because no one knows we run away,so they are still searching for us

AS I was walking I heard a loud sound.I looked beside and "ahahahhaa" Jungkook just High fived the ground with his face.

You:Ahahahahahahah Jungkook

Jungkook:Stop laughing ok!

You:I can't! Ahahahahahah! I remember Someone told me not to trip and fall~~~


I felt his foot slightly kicked my right leg and


I fell on top of him.on his chest

Jungkook:This is what you get for laughing at me

You:This is not Fair!

Jungkook:It is fair

He looked at me.He's looking so unreal in this moonlight...He tucked my hairs behind my ear

Jungkook's p.o.v


Ah Jungkook!stop!

End of Jungkook's p.o.v

Jungkook:You are heavy.Get up

You:You are the one who made me fall!

I got up from him.He also got up

You:Are you okay?You fell pretty hard

Jungkook:I think my ankle sprained

You:You are so careless

Jungkook:Shut up

You:Can't you see!Now how will you walk!What if it get worse!

Jungkook:Yah stop you angry bird!Nothing will happen

You:Angry bird?

Jungkook:yeah you are angry bird.... cute but angry (he murmured the last part)


Jungkook:Let's continue walking


After walking for one more hours roaming inside the forest er found a way to go outside

Jungkook:Thank God! we found a way

we got outside of the forest but it's the same.Just an empty highway!No vehicles and shops but it's better than the forest.Jungkook is walking in very slow pace.He's leg is hurting.It's clearly shown on his face

Then we saw a hotel

Jungkook:Look a hotel!

You:Let's go there

Jungkook:No.....that holtel! Black arrow own's that!


Jungkook:Yes, I did some research before coming here

You:So...what to do now?

Jungkook:Let's go there.The workers don't know us

You:But what if they saw the news?

Jungkook:They don't know that we escaped right? so they won't pay that much attention to our face

You:Okay.......but!what if they come here to find us!because this is the only hotel here?

Jungkook:But we need some rest right?

You:Okay.Let's go

To Be Continued..................

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