Chapter 4: Teleportation by the Twins

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Uma's POV

I slowly put one foot forward, unsure about what my actual plan was.

"Uma, wait!" Harry pulled me back, but a near monster jumped right above my hair.

Right before it touched my head, a sword slashed it in the air.

My eyes drifted to Harry, who was just as shocked as I was. I spun around to see Gil,but he was busy acting like a fort to Audrey and Chad. Then, someone cleared their throat in the corner. Of course, it was Sir Champion of the Tourney Team.

"Did you think I would forget to leave my sword when wearing something as cool as this." Jay twirled in his tourney jersey, but Lonnie stepped out of his shadow.

"Are you all okay?" She asked.

"We will be, after we take care of the rest of these demons." I yelled, seeing that the army was approaching closer.

"We got you." Jay said, gesturing his head to Lonnie so they could take the left side.

"Harry," I called out to my mate, "take the right part. I will go for the middle. Gil will be guarding Chad and Audrey."

"Yes love." Harry winked, then started following directions.

I pushed the feeling of butterflies in my stomach away, focusing on the matter at hand. And in no time, I was killing the creatures in every which way, almost creating a pattern of when to slice them. Harry sounded victoriuous for the whole time, while Jay and Lonnie made huge progress through the crowd. Audrey and Chad won't have to worry much longer.

"How do things look on your side?" I asked to Harry, my eyes scanning the area.

"Everything is all clear." He flipped a piece of his hair to the side, sweat dripping down from it.

"What about you guys?" I questioned Jay and Lonnie.

"We're all good." Lonnie gave me a thumbs up as Jay scurried over to finish the last monster hiding behind a garbage can.

"How about the rest of you?" I hollered to the rest of my group.

Gil's POV

"We are perfectly fine. Not a scratch on our body." I declared.

"I'm still shaking though." Chad stretched out his arm to watch his fingers quiver. I couldn't tell if it was from the scene that just played out or how fast the temperature was dropping.

Audrey stayed quiet, not making eye contact with anyone.

"Is she good?" Uma pointed to her, beginning to make a big deal.

"Let me talk to her." I stated, turning to face Audrey, but she quickly looked the other way. "Hey, are you okay?"

She didn't answer. No sounds could be heard from her, which was kind of weird since she was screaming a few seconds ago. Maybe she's just regaining back herself.

"Audrey? Is something wrong?" I gently put my hand on her shoulder, but she shrugged it off and spun to me.

"Does it look like something is wrong?" She furrowed her eyebrows.

Then I saw Audrey's mascara was falling down her eye lids and her make-up was totally ruined. Her custome didn't get messed up however. But knowing Audrey, she'll be devastated to be walking on the Isle with her princess make-up design to be a mess. I must say, Audrey does look prettier without anything on her face.

"I'm ugly now. I was crying so much and I got so scared . . ." Audrey stopped talking and unexpectedly broke into tears.

"Audrey . . ." I was about to speak, but instead my body gave a response. I wrapped my arms around Audrey, giving her a comforting hug. She cried onto me, but this didn't bother me.

"This is s-so much to take in. I don't like it here. I want to go home." Audrey pleaded in a muffled voice.

Suddenly, the angry emotions that was inside of me simmered down.

Uma gave a snort hearing Audrey, and Harry shook his head, giving very little effort not to grin. Jay and Lonnie didn't notice what was happening because they emerged in their own conversation. I thought that I would be teasing her though, but I can't blame her. She never imagined that we would face something as life-threatening as that.

"Shhhh. You're okay Audrey. You're okay." I kept her close to me, my heart pounding fast for some weird reason.

"I want to leave the Isle. This night could get worse if someone sees me like this." She said, looking up at me with sparkles in her eyes.

"You look perfectly beautiful to me." I told her directly, but then I stiffened.

"You are just saying that so we don't leave." Audrey said in defense.

"No, no, really. Your face is pretty without make-up. But if you want to still leave, I'll make sure we get out as soon as possible."

"Does no one care about me? I'm shaking!!" Chad yelled, but he got no one's attention.

"How do you think that's gonna happen?" Uma broke in, walking towards us. "You have no power to go without the rest of the pack."

Jay and Lonnie stopped talking, watching the argument.

"Uma, this is getting to dangerous. I don't know why these creatures spawned in the first place, but it's getting too violent. Someone might get hurt if we don't go." I truthfully claimed.

We stayed frozen, thinking about what to do from here. Coincidently, we heard little footsteps from behind us, breaking the conversation.

Audrey inhaled a huge amount of air, so I shielded her once more. Uma and Harry ran in front, and it didn't take long for us to see two figures appear in the distance.

"Kill them! Kill them!" Chad shouted.

"No." Harry said, gesturing for us not to move. "It's Squeaky and Squirmy."

He was right. The two children walked in a synchronized motion towards us.

"Weren't they paired up with Jay and Lonnie?" I asked, turning to them.

"Yeeaaaahh, about that . . ." Jay lingered with his words.

"We lost them at first, but it seems like they found their way back to us." Lonnie jumped in excitement, running past everyone to get to the little kids.

In seconds, Squeaky and Squirmy raised one hand and pointed it at her. Then, a flash of light reminisced and quickly disappeared with her.

"What the--!" Chad sprinted behind my back, and Audrey began to weep once more.

"Get back. Get back!" Uma ran to me with Harry, but I saw the twins do the same movement.

Next thing I knew, a big beam of white light came upon us. And we were gone.

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