C H A P T E R 27

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He Loves Me Not

"Don't ignore the love you do have in the world by focusing on the love you don't."


We live our whole lives believing there are two types of people. The ones who are good and the others who are bad. But what is good? What is bad?

Is a man who kills a mass of people for his one true love good or bad? Was he a bad man or a man who was self-destructing after he lost his life's purpose?

I'll never know if Lorenzo was bad or good but I do know he was a villain. Which I'm sure is confusing considering the fact I can't decide if he's good or bad so I'll explain it in the best way I can.

A hero would save the world even if it meant sacrificing their love because a hero thinks about the greater good. Lorenzo Moretti was the kind of man who would burn down the whole world if it meant he got another minute with his mate. This doesn't necessarily make him a bad person because I believe the man had good intentions.

Who knows, maybe I'm looking into this too much.

"Alessandra! Are you even paying attention?"

My mom's shrill voice startles me and I look up to see her staring at me with disapproval.

"This event is a big deal Alessia! Not only is this your first event as luna but it's also the Chandani Ball!"

I sigh and try to look interested. Don't get me wrong, I love the Chandani Ball. Callie and I always stay updated on what all the alpha families were wearing and how the event went when we were younger.

The Oberoi family is much like the Moretti/De Luca family. Their ancestors were some of the first lycans and they host this ball in a tribute to them. It's a gorgeous event that costs millions of dollars to plan perfectly and usually I'm more excited about it.

But now, all I can think about is Zane. He's been forced into this situation, forced to take a Luna he doesn't really want. I don't desire to be with someone who's forced into being with me. Why can't I have someone who wants me?

"Am I interrupting?"

Vincenzo steps into the room with his arms behind his back. He gives me an awkward smile before bringing his attention back to my mother.

"Oh, of course not! We were just looking at some dresses for the ball, here I'll get out of your hair," she says. Once my mom leaves the room Vincenzo inches closer to me.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm perfectly fine Vinnie. What do you want?"

He takes a deep breath before continuing.

"Ok, I know Zane is my cousin but I have to tell you this."

"What is it?"

"I saw Isabel and Zane together, she seemed a little too close to him."

I guess I should be surprised but I'm not. They've been together forever and here I am ruining their love. My brain knows this but my heart can't help the pinch it feels as Vincenzo speaks. Is this going to be my life? Always standing in the corner as my mate pursues another woman?

"I don't want to do this Vincenzo," I say as tears prick my eyes. He looks at me with pity and I hate the way it makes me feel. I'm Alessandra Romano, a skilled fighter, legendary runner, and a future healer, I don't need pity. I sigh and decide to finally get everything off my chest.

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