The Skeld: Round 9

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As I was walking with Birdie, I look onto my communicator and sabotage lights. Both of us went there, meeting up with two other people. This was the moment that I had to take. When everything was dark, I stabbed one of the crewmates in the chest. As the lights turned back on, everyone saw the dead body. It got reported, and now it was us 3 to decide who the imposter is.

"It was you," the person pointed at me.

"No, it wasn't," I replied.

"No, it was you," Birdie backed me up. "I saw you kill that crewmate."

"What it wasn't me," he kept saying.

I already knew from then on that I was going to win. The votes got put in, and the crewmate went flying into space. After that, everything went black, and then another screen popped up. It was me and my dead crewmate. Victory, was the word displayed right above us. This game is like a teacher; you can't trust anybody. 



"Okay, new plan," I said to everyone.

"What is it," Jungkook asked.

"If we all just stick together, the killer can't kill us," I said.

All of them just looked at me with a weird look. But eventually, they agreed, and now we were all grouped up together. Me being suspicious of Jisoo, I stood as far away from her as possible. Whoever had a task to do, the group would follow, and they could quickly do their stuff.

"Okay, I'm all done with my task," Jungkook said.

"Really, dude, cause I still got a lot more to do here," I said, showing my communicator.

"Yeah, I still have a bunch of stuff to do," Jisoo added.

"Same here," Jimin said.

"Haha, you guys are slow," Jungkook mocked us.

"Shut up; you had all the easy task," I said.

Anyways, we followed Jisoo to where her task was, which was in the cafeteria. We went to a wire box and observed her as he was connecting the lines.

"Okay, I'm all done with that," Jisoo said.

"Nice, what else do you have," Jimin asked.

"I have to divert some power into security, shouldn't be too hard~

As Jisoo said, the lights turned off, and the reactor went off.

"What the hell," Jimin said.

"The lights are off, and the reactor is faulty at the same time; how is that even possible," Jisoo said.

"I don't know, but right now, I can't see you guys," Jungkook said.

"Okay, just try to remember where you're heading to," I said.

I ran to what I believed to be my left. On the way, I was tripping and bumping into things, so getting in my mind, I thought the reactor was going to meltdown. But finally, I get to this big room, and on the sides of the room are these glowing panels. That's when I knew that I was in electrical. I went to the bottom one and waited for the 2nd user to control the top one.





"Uh, guys, is anyone gonna help me," I said.

At this point, I was worried. Someone needs to stop what they're doing and head to the reactor. I look at the panel's countdown, and it was going down.






Just then, there were 10 seconds on the clock. For christ's sake, someone fucking help.





I closed my eyes, just waiting for my death. But then, nothing happened; the stabilizers got restored. Someone saved us; I just can't wait to see who it is. It was dark for a while, but I had a feeling that someone was in the reactor with me.

"Hey, whoever is in the reactor with me, thank you for saving it," I said.

"No problem," the person replied.

"Who said that," I asked.

"It's Jungkook"

"Oh hey Jungkook, do you know where Jisoo and Jimin went," I asked.

"I think they went to fix the lights while we cool down the reactor," Jungkook responded.

Finally, the lights turn back on, and I was able to gain a full visual of everything around me. I look across and see Jungkook. I walk up to him, gave him a hug.

"Oh my god, thank you for saving us; I thought we were going to die because of a reactor meltdown," I said.

"Yeah, same," Jugnkook replied.

"Well, anyway, let's get back to the group then," I said.

"Wait, I still have one more task left," Jungkook said.

"What, I thought you said you were done," I replied.

"I mis-read my commincator."

"Well, which one do you need to do," I asked him.

"I need to do the manifold, but I don't know how to do it," Jungkook said.

"Oh, that's easy; I will show you," I said.

Jungkook brought me over to the manifold, and I showed him how to do it.

"So basically, you press the numbers in order, so count from 1 to 10," I explained.

"Thanks," Jungkook said.

"No problem," I replied.


"Yes, Jungkook," I said.

"I'm really sorry," he said.

"For what," I asked him,

"For this"


Secret Code 5 out of 5:


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