Part 4

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I have no idea why something felt similar about the woman dressed in black, sitting in my line of sight, right behind my betrothed, with a large hat covering her face. Yet, something told me that I knew her. At some point in my life was had crossed paths.

Don't ask me what this feeling was because I would not be able to tell you even if I tried. Don't try and ask me who the woman was because I would not be able to tell you that either. 

She looked like she was young, from her build and the way her black mourning dress hung to her petite frame. I wonder why she had chosen such a thing to wear on the day of a wedding. I wonder at who she might be and how I knew her.

My betrothed did not sense anything wrong however. He was far to caught up with the congratulations we were receiving from everyone in attendance. Absentmindedly I was aware of everyone smiling and saying how beautiful the ceremony was. Except I could not take my eyes nor my mind off the strange woman sitting in black not to far away. 

Dark dangerous eerie waves rolled off her as I noticed she did not move. She had not moved since I had taken notice where she was seated.

"My love." At Lance's words I unwillingly tore my gaze from the strange woman and focused my attention on the individuals before me, "I apologize. My mind was elsewhere." I gave what I hoped was a convincing smile and slipped my hand into his outstretched one. I am good at being deceitful when the need calls for it.

A woman dressed in deep burgundy smiles warmly at me, "It is alright my dear. You looked beautiful up there. Congratulations on your being wed. What a very handsome gentleman that was chosen." I nod my head in her direction but can not stop myself, inside of my mind, from cursing the old coot for thinking that my husband was chosen for me. When will the ignorance end?

The conversation turned to something that held little to no interest for me, so I turned my attention back to the strange woman dressed in black. The only problem being was that she was nowhere in sight. How could she manage to slip away without me noticing? Why was she even here? Who exactly was she?

Questions started swimming through my mind as my betrothed led me back down the aisle. It was time that we start heading toward my new home. Where ever that may be. 

I have tried to keep the panic at bay and for a little while it had almost worked. Now it has returned with full force. I do not know where I will be going from here. From this point on my life and future is in the hands of a man I have just wed. A man that I have been communicating with through letters for several years. A man that I had never met in person until a few moments ago. 

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