Part 20

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The morn my husband heads off to do work he claims he can not avoid tis a rather odd one indeed. To say the least I woke up alone and even though he is still cross with me about my disobedience he has never let me wake up by myself.

I hear voices in the hall. A man and a woman talking. Although I am to far away to hear what they are saying. 

Something tells me that one of them is my husband. Something also tells me whatever they are discussing has everything to do with me. 

Whatever happens after my husband leaves this house today is entirely up to the woman he is talking to at the moment. I get the feeling I know who it is. I get the feeling I shall not like what is to come. 

Heading footsteps approaching I quickly rush back to the bed. Everything that is to come depends on my acting skills. If I have any good luck left that is. 

I hear the door being opened as soon as I pull the covers back over me. There is no a lot of time left to pretend to sleep.

I hear heavy footsteps approach my side of the bed and have to fight in order to keep my eyes closed. I know it is him. The man I foolishly married. Although he is not alone. There was another set of footsteps following along close behind him. 

If not for my sensitive hearing I would have missed the almost silent feet of the whorish servant girl. Yes I did just call her that word. I said it because she is one.

They are still discussing something. All I am catching is bits and phrases of what they have to say.

"She will remain as she is then?" 

"Yes my lord."

"She does not know what we are?"

"No my lord."

"Nor what we intend to use her for?"

"No not a thing my lord."

"Good. Keep her locked away until I am back. Once I return the ritual may be started."

"Yes my lord."

There has to be a reason that the minister at our wedding had called him "Sir Lance" and why that putrid girl keeps calling him "my lord". 

Of course, now it seems I have multiple things to fuss about silently. 

What ritual? Just how old are they? What do they plan to do with me?

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