Chapter 1

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Y/n, a teenage student at college working part-time at his local mental asylum in Terika. On a daily basis he has to deal with those who are mentally ill, psycho murderers and etc. While balancing his college life and his job to pay for rent while studying to get higher qualifications, he talks to very few people and the few those that know of his existence dislike him. He'll bake in his free time making an assortment of goodies, especially to bring in for work as a snack while he works the night shifts with his partner, keeping an eye on the few patients designated in his block.

However as of recently a new "inmate" got added to block C (where Y/n works), their name is a haze as she goes by the nickname of clockwork, a known serial killer who'll brutally murder her victims, whoever and where-ever it may be.

Y/n POV.

'Sigh so bored' I think to myself as I begin to twiddle my thumbs together watching the cameras in the security room keeping an eye on the few prisoners I am tasked with watching whilst also watching the outskirts of the block to see who comes in and out. As I continue looking through the cameras my e/c (eye colour) orbs land on a female teenager, her food tray still full and only the water being  appearing to have been touched. She's got to eat, she's skinny already I think as I look over her frail frame. As I continue to watch her while she sits in the corner, she turns her  head towards the camera staring at it with one eye while her hazelnut hair covers the other. I shivered at the cold glare she gave, one would think she's boring into my soul with those eyes.

*1 hour later*

I stand up ready to do my usual walk around that occurs once every 3 hours on the dot, it doesn't take me too long due to the block being a small building compared to the rest of the asylum as this block specialises in special cases, such as serial killers, [I know what you're thinking. Why is a college student guarding serial killers? Well his partner disappeared a couple nights ago under strange circumstances] 'ugh, wish Dave was here this place is so creepy at night.' As I continue my rounds I walk past the weird girl's room where I hear a knocking from the inside of her door, I open the sliding hatch to see what she wanted, and I am greeted with darkness and a glowing eye. Creepy I thought to myself as I begin to think to myself, "Yes? What do you need?" I asked in a sultry voice, I was hoping to get back to my desk soon so I could relax for a bit longer. "Can you take the tray away? The food is starting to stink up my room" She asks almost in a whisper, I open the larger hatched for her to put the tray on, and when she puts the tray on I notice that she still hasn't touched her food since the last time I checked up on her and I frown, "not gonna eat your food? You've done this for a while now, at this rate you'll end up like a skeleton soon enough" I said as I looked at her, while she just stared back and whispered back, yet again "It's disgusting, it feels like I'm eating slime" the tone of disgust in her quiet voice is easily heard. I sigh and close the hatches which confuses the girl as I begin to quickly jog back to my desk in the security room and grab a couple of my snacks I made while at home this afternoon. I quickly make my way back and grab the tray putting it on one of the tables in the hallway, and re-open the hatch. "Here have this then, if you're not going to eat food from here, then try this." I say with a small smile on my face, she looks at the foil wrapping and the paper bag confused but decided to slowly take the bag and moves away from the door. She opens up the foil wrapping and notices it's a wrap of some kind and shrugs and takes a bite, as soon as she took a bite she went back for more. I smiled as I watched the hungry girl/serial killer devour the wrap in a matter of seconds before walking back to the door and thanking me? I think, I couldn't tell as she mumbled the words lightly before she opened the bag and notice the baked cookies in the bag before her eye sparkled, which I found to be quite funny. "alright I'm gonna go and let you eat your food, If you wish I can start to bring you proper food since it may end up with you being force fed by day-time workers if you stop eating." I say as I began to close the hatches but before I did I heard another yet more clear "Thank you and I'd appreciate that." from the girl as the hatch shut making me smile a bit from the fact she's quite different from all the others here.

As soon as I get back to the security room the alarm goes off showing that my shift is now over meaning I can clock off and get a few hours of sleep before I start my classes.

5 minutes later

3rd Person POV
As y/n makes his way home, on his bike, an ominous feeling snakes its way through his system  as though he was being watched by someone or something, but he merely shakes it off and continues making his way back, not noticing the 2 figures from afar. As Y/n reaches his house, he puts his bike inside the gate and locks it with a chain before heading towards his door only to frown as he saw in red spray paint "freak" going across the front of his house, "That's gonna take a while to wash off" he groaned with a disheartened tone, before going inside and going to bed.

On the edge of the forest someone is standing there watching his house with an unnatural grin plastered permanently on their face, a knife in their pocket, and eyes full of hate and murder. "So this is the last obstacle to break her out? Should be easy" the figure said before walking back into the forest where a household of demons, murderers and other things reside.

3 hours later


I yawn as I stand up to stretch hearing my joints pop and crack allowing me to feel refreshed and limber, I release a sigh in satisfaction. I make my way downstairs, the ominous feeling gone and now just left with the tiredness of my brain and movements. I open the fridge to look for some food/ingredients but I find none. 'Sigh, I should really go shopping' I thought to myself before having a shower and getting dressed. After I finished getting ready I make my way outside with a bucket of water and a large sponge and started scrubbing off the spray paint with maximum difficulty.

After a good 20 minutes or so I managed to finish scrubbing the word off the front of my house, only to notice a few more words spray painted across the sides of my house. '-_- great' I thought to myself angrily, 'more work'. I put the bucket down before quickly popping back inside my house to grab my school work, then came back outside to get my bike and head to college, 'wonder if today will be as painful' I thought as I rode my bike down the quiet street of the road around the edge of the forest, looking inside to see if I could spot any creatures or critters roaming around this early in the morning.

Time skips to college.

As I manage to get to college with 10 minutes or so to spare, I put my bike in the bike shed and padlock it. I start to head to class but as I do, I hear a few familiar voices coming from the other end of the corridor, I begin to panic and my eyes dart for an escape route but due to my luck, there is none. As the voices turn the corner they notice me almost immediately and I gulp audibly. One of the dudes smile and says "Oh look it's the  freak, how's working with the insane?" This 'dude' was named James, the block head leader of the athletics team, he was great at every sport, but class wise he was as smart as a rock, his posse following behind him like a pack of attention seeking dogs. As they continue walking forward, the rest of his posse start to throw jokes around, mostly aimed at me, James takes a few steps towards me and continues his pace while I back up until I bump into a teacher in which causes James and his posse to turn around, while I get groaned at for getting in her way.

While James and his posse were facing the other way to avoid the teacher's confrontation, I quickly slipped into my class having a sigh of relief, I look outside the window for a split moment only to notice a figure staring up at me from the shadows, with a freakishly large eyes widen in shock and I wiped my eyes to see if the person was actually there, but as I looked back...They had disappeared. "Probably just tired...yeah...tired..."

Updated = 04/12/2021 (4th of december)
Changed some bits and dabs around, tried to fix some spelling errors, probably made/missed more.
Not much of an alteration in plot.
word decrease - 360

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