Chapter 9 - Why me...?

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As both Y/n and Jane signed in, they made their way to C block. "Anything I should know about them?" Jane asked whilst looking at Y/n, he looked up and pondered. "Uh...I don't know anything about Lazari but Natalie is uh quick, silent, and has a sad back story." He said whilst staring at the stars. "Sad how?" Jane asked, confused. "You'll have to ask her yourself" he said not really giving an answer to Jane's satisfaction.


2 girls sat next to each other in a decent sized room, with a changeable view mirror (one way to two way and just black mirror). They whispered to each other, the little girl administered a giggle after each sentence, "That's the plan, okay clocky? :3" she said whilst smiling. "Got it." The other girl, clockwork, said whilst going back into her book.

"Well here we are." I said whilst opening and holding the door for Jane, "Thanks." She replied as we both walked in and went towards Natalie's 'room'. We walked in and noticed that a few additions got made to the room. Such as a coffee machine, kettle, mini fridge. "Huh sweet." I said whilst looking at the new products within the room. "Hmm?" Jane questioned with a glance. "Oh uh, this stuff wasn't here prior, just wondered why they added it here. Oh ye, you know the code to the room right?" I replied and asked. "Code?" she asked, confused. I just looked bewildered, "They didn't give you the code?? ;-;" I asked worried, she just nodded. Great -_- I thought to myself before going to the desk and noticing a note which read:

To Y/n,

I forgot to mention over the phone that the new girl is sharing the same room as Clockwork, so be weary. I haven't given the new recruit the code to the room since I believe she lacks the experience and I don't fully trust her.

Only go in when necessary such as giving them their food. The new girl seems a bit weird for someone so young, don't lose track of her.


Your boss.

I sighed before tossing the note into the bin. "Great they're sharing a room and I have to go in by myself." I said a bit annoyed. "You'll be fine, your tough" Jane said innocently smiling. "Ha. Funny joke. I'll die in seconds if they had weapons." I said, a chill going down my spine. As I sat down in the chair I pressed the button the made the window 2 way and noticed the new inmate at the window staring at me, in the eyes causing me to jump back at the sudden image of the young girl.
(Note: I obviously don't own the art, credit to whoever made it. ALSO she doesn't have the demon bits out)

"Jesus christ!" I said falling back off my chair, getting a little giggle from the guard behind me, "hehe~, need some help?" Jane giggled whilst holding her hand out to me, I took it and stood up wincing at my arm which now hurts

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"Jesus christ!" I said falling back off my chair, getting a little giggle from the guard behind me, "hehe~, need some help?" Jane giggled whilst holding her hand out to me, I took it and stood up wincing at my arm which now hurts. I turn to see the girl smiling and giggling, whilst clockwork just stared at me. "What?" I said in an annoyed tone. She just rolled her eyes and went back to reading. I looked towards the new girl, "You must be lazari I presume?" I said looking at her, she nodded. "So what did you do to get in here?" I asked genuinely curious on how someone so young got sent to an asylum. "Killing people silly boy." the young child giggled. "Well ain't you captain obvious" replied clockwork in a tone of distaste pointed towards the young girl.

"Don't kill her natalie." I said staring at her, causing lazari's eyes to open a bit in shock, I took notice of this. "Something wrong little one?" I said confused, she just shook her head and went to go draw. I shook of the confusion and forgot about it. I made the mirror 1 way and muted the microphone. "So uh...What do you think of these 2?" I asked, "The inmates? They're a bit weird, but overall fine." she replied in a dull tone. "Don't call them inmates." I said hating that word. "Why?" she asked. "They're people, calling them inmates insinuates them being locked in a cage like wild animals. They're people, even if I hate one of them." I said causing her eyes to widen, "Damn you really take this seriously huh?" she said. I just nodded and went on my phone.

Time skip - lunch time

"Welp time to give them their food." I said whilst standing up, causing Jane to give a look of confusion. "What do you mean? didn't they eat earlier??" she said, confused. "No. Natalie hates the food from here, so I bring extra for them." I replied. "So uh, you got any fourths? cause I'm kinda hungry too." she said blushing a bit. "Uh ye, let me go give them there's." I said whilst punching in the code. I entered the room and walked over dropping off their food. "There you go" I said to lazari as I handed her, her food and a bag of cookies. She looked like she was drooling but eh. I turned around but I'm met with a serious looking Jane as she closed the door to face me. "Jane what're you-HMPH" I got cut off as someone grabbed me and covered my mouth. "Sorry to do this to you kid. But we needed her out of here." Jane said hinting to Natalie. Jane began to walk slowly towards me, her hand behind her, reaching for something. She pulled out a standard kitchen knife causing me to be confused, but that all changed when I felt a cold yet burning sensation in my stomach. I looked down slightly, as I watched the knife be pushed further into my stomach, blood pouring out at an alarming rate.

Natalie let go of me, but at the rate I was losing blood, my body became weaker causing me to collapse and struggle to breathe. "Let's go." Jane said to Clockwork and Lazari before walking to the door and typing in the code that she memorised by watching. "Did we really have to do that? I mean we could've just knocked him out." Clockwork said looking a bit sad, "No. Orders are orders." Jane said as she walked through the door. "Atleast I got cookies :D" Lazari said in a happy tone. This would've been cute, if I wasn't half dead. "I'm sorry Y/n, I really am-" her voice disappeared as my vision began to go black...

Jane POV

"Thank god that was over with." I said as the other 2 walked next to me, lazari eating her cookies whilst clockwork looked depressed. "Oh come on. Stop being mopey over some guy." I said annoyed at her feeling sorry for one of her victims. "It's just...I didn't want to kill him...He's been through enough pain as it is." she said, her eyes dropped to the floor in a quick moment of sadness before looking back up and picking up her pace. "He's just another target anyway." clockwork said trying to cheer up. "yes, he was." I replied trying to get her mind off things.

"yummyyyyyyyy!" a high pitched voice squealed. I turned to the voice, noticing the stars in her eyes, "What's up?" I asked confused at her sudden reaction. "Cookies are yummy" she said in her usual childish ways. I sighed before saying "don't eat too many. We don't want you sick on the floor again". She just huffed a "fine.." before eating another cookie and putting the rest away.


As we make it through the forest, the mansion appears in site. "We're home, finally." I said tiredly. "Ye. Home." Clockwork said in her depressed mood again. I rolled my eyes before walking in. "We're home slenda" I shouted through the house, walking to the sofa, picking up the remote and sitting down, ready to watch TV. "How did it go?" a voice said inside my mind. "Fine, everything went well." I said aloud once more. "And the guard?" "Dead. Stabbed in the stomach till the handle went fully in," I replied smiling at the thought of another target dead. "Good work. I'm going to 'speak' with Clockwork for a bit." the voice finished. My eyes went to worry, knowing that Clockwork is going to be punished.


I lay there, in a hospital bed, mere hours after surgery. My stomach felt as though it was on fire. My body weak from all the lost blood. And no worrying family to take care of me. "what a life I live..." I weakly muttered, chuckling at my misfortune. "Hello Mr....L/n. I will be taking care of you with my assistant Nurse Anne. My Name is Dr Philips. We will be here for you until you are fit enough to be released." A masculine voice in a white lab coat said coming into the room. "alright" I mumbled, not really caring. 

"However for now, we will need to put you to sleep for a little while. So rest well." He said coming closer to me with a syringe, I tried to struggle, thrashing about the doctor got annoyed "Anne, hold the baby down" he ordered. Anne grabbed my arms and Dr Philips put the sleeping solution into my arm. I slowly began to feel drowsy and my eyelids began to feel heavy. "s-stop" I stuttered in my tired tone, as I noticed the creepy grin of the nurse from behind the unaware doctor.....

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Not sure what I'm doing anymore but eh.
I'll try and get more of these out.


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