Chapter 11

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        Jackie and Steve soon went back to the kitchen to continue tyding away leaving both boys to talk through everything without an audience.

"Dont you find it weird?" Steve broke the silence.

"What weird?" Jackie replied, confused.

"Well Jaymi and Olly."

"Sorry? What do you mean Jaymi and Olly?!" Jackie replied abruplty, not too sure where this conversation was heading.

"No, I mean Jaymi is only 24 and Ollys only 23, they're so young, with there whole lives ahead of them but now you couldn't see them with anyone else, they've really struck gold with finding each other."

"I know exactly what you mean, they've landed on both feet in this relationship. I couldnt imagine not having Olly in the family now."

"He's certainly a character." Steve chuckled as he carried on washing the plates. Meanwhile Jaymi and Olly still sat, almost frozen together. Staring into the night and neither of them saying a word. Jaymi moved closer and kissed Olly delicately on the cheek. Olly turned in response and kissed back Jaymis soft lips. Without a word being said Olly moved so he was now sat straddling his fiance. They sat staring at each other before beginning an impromptu make out session in the freezing cold winters air. Olly pulled back, smiling as his and Jaymis forheads met once more.

"Shall we go back inside because my arse is freezing." Jaymi said innocently, causing olly to almost fall off of Jaymis lap laughing and completey ruining the loving moment.

"FFS Jaymi." Olly laughed as he shook his head before standing up from his Fiance's lap allowing him to stand up. Jaymi then took Ollys hand as the walked him back into the comfort of his mums warm and cosy home.

"Sorted?" Jackie smiled as she appeared from behind the kitchen door.

"Of course." Jaymi replied with both boys wearing smiles that lit up their faces.

"We're gunna watch the snowman because i havent seen it this year and i miss it." He continued. Jackie just laughed at her apparently very immature son as Olly stepped away and stared at Jaymi. Jaymi could feel his cold glare as he turned to face Olly.

"Yes Sir? Your problem?"

"We... WE?! When did WE agree on this?" Olly said sturnly before slowly walking towards the door, trying to keep his act up without laughing.

"Oh shut it Marmon,come here you prick." Jaymi began to jokingly run after Olly causing Olly to laugh as he picked up his pace and ran. Within seconds it was more like watching two toddlers playing a game of tag than two adults. Both Jaymi and Olly ran around the lounge, with Olly trying to dodge Olly and both boys highly ammused by this game of tag.

"Will you two children stop it, Your grown men running around the room chasing each other and screaming, neadless to say Ollys still not well and your knacker him out by tomorrow." Jackie raised her voice before chuckling and shaking her head.

"Sorrrryyyyy," Both Jaymi and Olly said in sync before collapsing in a heap on the sofa. It wasnt long before Jackie and Steve joined them, putting on the snowman before sitting down. Jaymi sat leaning on the side of the sofa with one arm supporting his head and one arm around Olly. About 10 minutes into the film Jackie glanced over to see Olly sound asleep on her son.

"What did i tell you." She exclaimed smuggly before continuing "Knackered him out."

Jaymi looked confused before looking down at his peacfully sleeping fiance and understanding where his mum was coming from.

"Maybe i did.. oops." Jaymi laughed. He paid more attention to a sleeping Olly than he did the rest of the film. He sat stroking his back and only looking up occasionally to ensure the attention of his mum and Steve was on the TV and not him. As he sat all he could do was reflect on the past year. It had been a tricky year for the boys. Starting off with being seperated whilst touring then when Jaymi went to LA and Olly had to work. Safe to say they'd missed each others company a lot but tomorrow was christmas day and although Olly was still really quite unwell and would probably be asleep a lot throughout the day Jaymi knew it would be the best christmas ever. They would be together and thats the main thing.

After all, Jaymi loved Olly... In sickness and in health.

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