Chapter 7

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Everyone sat for the full 2 hour film of Winnie the Pooh completely fixated by the cartoon character. It was only when it finished that anyone actually spoke.

“I feel like we should buy this DVD Jay, I want to see it again.” Olly spoke up.

“Im trying to deny it but I loved it, Im not buying it though were stealing yours mum, hope this is okay?”

“You children!” Jackie laughed. Callum wasn’t as impressed at the thought of Jaymi and Olly stealing his DVD as he crossed his arms and glared at Jaymi.

“Oops I think we better buy our own Jaymi.” Olly said trying to sound serious but was struggling not to erupt into fits of hysterics. Jaymi just laughed. At that moment Jackie got up and wondered out of the lounge. She, unbeknown to Olly, signalled to Jaymi for him to follow and he did. Leaving Olly sat with Callum on his lap playing cars. Jackie soon left Jaymi to wrap his final few presents for Olly and went back to sit down.

“Would you mind taking Callum for a bit please?” Olly asked as soon as Jackie was visible in the room.

“Of course I won’t.” As she spoke, Jackie leant down to pick Callum up of off Olly’s lap then promptly sat him back down on her knee as she sat in the chair, Callum was quite contempt wherever he sat, he just wanted to play with his cars.

“Are you okay? You’re suddenly really pale again love.” Jackie questioned Olly.

“I just feel a bit tired again, that’s all, and I’ll be fine in a second.”

“Lay down Hun its fine, or go to bed if you’d prefer?”

“No, no im fine here.” No sooner had Olly finished speaking, he had laid down on the sofa and curled himself into a ball. After about ten minutes of Olly rolling over every 30 seconds to try and get comfortable he caught Jackie’s glance.

“Callum, Uncle Jaymi’s in my room do you want to go and help him wrap Uncle Olly’s presents?”

“Yeahhhh!” Callum pootled off up the stairs in the Direction of Jackie’s room.

“Are you sure you’re Okay Olly you really don’t look well! Do you want some water or a pillow or something?” Olly just stared into nothing, it was as if he couldn’t tell who was speaking.

“Jaymi.” Jackie was a bit confused by his reply but a few seconds later he finally focused on Jackie and elaborated his answer.

“Can you get Jaymi please, I want Jaymi.” As Jackie stood up to go and get Jaymi she glanced back at Olly, his eyes weren’t focussing on anything in the room, it almost gave the illusion that they were rolling in their sockets and the smallest amount of colour that he had had before had gone, he was as pale as a sheet. Jackie knew he wasn’t just tired and that he was really unwell at this point. She ran to the bottom of the stairs and yelled Jaymi.

“JAYMI, CALL 999.”

As she finished you could hear Jaymi’s heavy footsteps running along the corridor and down the stairs, closely followed by an anxious Callum who was a little confused by the sudden fuss.

“WHATS WRONG?” Jaymi shouted as he through his phone at his mum who promptly dialled 999. Jackie didn’t even need to say a word in reply as Jaymi ran straight to his fiancé.

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