Chapter 44

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- Meliodas's Pov - - Time Skip. 11 years -

"Man, I hate paperwork" I grumbled as I twirled the pen in my fingers. I have been at this for over an hour "Fuck it!" I throw the pen down and stormed over to a large window and stared out towards the horizon. The sun was starting to set. I looked down at the courtyard and saw Kiara "She still training? She has been at that since 7 this morning" Since moving to the Demon realm, We found that keeping Kiara busy helps control her powers. Plus when she turns 18, She will be taking over as the new General of the Demon army. I watched as Kiara used her telekinetic powers to grab a shield and block some dude from punching her. She then used it to smash his face in and caught a sword that was by her shoulders, Using just her fingertips. She clicked her fingers and broke the metal into itty bitty pieces. She then crouched, Swinging her left leg out behind her, Knocking the dude off his feet. She then used her right fist and punched him to the other side of the courtyard. Safe to say he went flying "That's my girl" I nodded. She then looked up and saw me and started waving. So naturally, I started waving back.
I looked over my shoulder and saw Ellie at the door. Sporting a beautiful baby bump and our little girl, Melody, on her hip. Melody was my double. Blonde hair, Green eyes.
"Hey up baby. How are my girls doing?" I skipped to the door. Kissing my wife, Then my daughter and Ellie's bump "Oof" I rubbed my nose.
"Booted again?" Ellie chuckled. My baby daughter reaches out for me "Hello Melody" I cooed as I took her in my arms.
"Every pregnancy" I scoffed. This was our fifth child together. We had two more boys after Tristan. Connor and Jacob. Connor and Jacob are twins. Connor has silver hair and green hair and Jacob has blonde hair and blue eyes. Then a year later. Melody turned up and now this little one was in Ellie's belly. I know what you are going to say. 6 kids should be enough but what can I say? I love kids and want more.
"You ready to go to watch Tristan, Matty and Jacob in the school play?" Ellie rubbed her belly.
"Anything to get me out of paperwork" I chuckled as I grabbed my phone "Oh, We need to grab Kiara. You know, I just watched her beat the big arse new lad today. Well about 5 minutes ago. She might even rival me when it comes to fighting"
"Tristan is halfway there. Thankfully his teacher is very understanding about his powers" Ellie pointed at me as we left my office. Tristan's teacher is Chandler's other half. Cusack. He was the one who trained Zeldris once upon a time.
"What is the play again?" I asked as Melody laid her head on my shoulder.
"Oliver. I think. I have no idea. Those 3 don't even want us there. Think they are afraid we will embarrass them"
"It's a parent's job to do that. Are Ban and Elaine back from where ever they went?" I quizzed. A few years ago Lancelot went missing. It started raining one minute and then the next thing we knew, Lancelot was gone. Ban has spent the last 5 years trying to find him. They had a lead last month so off they went. They even took their new baby, A little boy called Hector with them.
"Not yet. Diane and King went to meet them at the docks in Camelot so they should be back soon" Ellie looked at her watch "That reminds me, We need to pick Aurora and Adam up when we get the boys"
"I hope they found the little lad. I still don't get how the greatest thief in the world had his lad stolen" I sighed as we walked down the stairs.
"It is a puzzle. One day it will be explained"
"Mum! Dad!" Kiara shouted as she ran over to us. She wrapped her arms around us. She was now wearing black skinnies, Purple top. Black denim jacket and white trainers. Her silver hair was half up half down "We gotta get going. The 3 stooges are waiting for us. Is Bonbon and Oldfart back yet? Oldfart said he would help teach me to make my spear fly and Bonbon said I could use him for target practice"
"That sounds like Ban. Anyway, No not yet. Within 24 hours" Ellie sighed.
"Maybe I should fly over to Camelot. Make sure they get back okay" Kiara crossed her arms behind her head. Since Lancelot's disappearance, She has been way more protective.
"Kiara!" We all spun around and saw a large lad come running. It was Capricorn's son, Matthew. The one she had with that Leo dude.
"Matthew? Is everything alright?" Kiara turned to face him. She had a slight blush on her face. As did Matthew.
"Yes. Just wanted to know if I could walk with you to the play. My little sister, Louise is in it" Matthew beamed.
"Certainly" Kiara nodded as she and Matthew walked off. Me and Ellie hung back a little.
"Just me or is there a spark between them? They both blushed when they saw each other" I grinned.
"I can hear you!" Kiara shouted over her shoulder.
"I said it loud enough!" I bellowed back.
"Enough. Come on. We need to get to the school" Ellie hooked her arm threw mine and dragged me through the courtyard.

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