She's such an angel

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I was sat on a bench outside of my favourite book store. I had been reading for the past two hours and now I was finally going to pack up so I could go home.

Shoving all my books inside my bag and roughly zipping it up whilst swinging it over my shoulders to rest on my back. Plugged in my earphones and shuffled through the songs on my phone.

It happened so quickly.

I was walking across the street when my eyes caught on Clay's caramelised hair on the next sidewalk over, and my steps faltered, and I didn't notice the car.

I didn't notice the car.

But George did.

He cried out and ran into the street, grabbing my arm, pulling me out of the way just in time - just in time. I could feel the rush of the wind as it blew past. The car whizzed by; I watched with wide eyes as it flew out of sight.

I glanced at George I knew he'd been walking towards Clay, but it seemed as if he'd come out of nowhere. Just in time.

His brown eyes were worried. "Are you okay?"

I managed a smile. "Yeah. Thanks."

It was hard to hate someone who was just so nice.

𝙃𝙚𝙖𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙧 𝘼𝙐 , dreamwastaken+wilbursoot ✔Where stories live. Discover now