Episode 5, Bottled Appetites - The Orgy

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I don't want to be sidetracked too much on this in the individual character metas, and I'd also like for anyone commenting not to get sidetracked away from all the other stuff I'm going to say, so before we continue, let's just do this quick.

No, Yennefer did not mass rape the townspeople. Believing that requires:
1) Finding some other meaning to the title.
2) The scene in the magic shop being irrelevant to both her character and the rest of the story.
3) The scene with the guard saying it's pay to enter also being an irrelevant bit of wasted time.
4) The part where everyone's wearing masks like they intentionally prepared for an anonymous orgy being some sort of costuming snafu.
5) A reason why not one person reacted more strongly to waking up with a surprise dick in them.
6) Dismissing not only that Yennefer claims it's consensual but that Geralt's retort is that yes but she's in it for the money and not because she just wants to make people happy.
7) Explaining away the plot point that the people who Yennefer dislikes are emphatically not in the building or under her spell.
8) That Geralt "the first monster I killed was a rapist" is so completely fine with her raping people he risks his life to save her twice.
9) That Jaskier is willing to insult her for all sorts of things, even just that she's had sex, but is so incredibly pro-rape himself that he sees no way to say she raped people in a way that he thinks would reflect badly on her.
10) That although on-screen rape has been studiously avoided throughout the season in every other instance, everyone in the show felt like they should make the one exception to a subject they're clearly taking seriously be something barely noticed, treated as a joke, and never addressed again.
11) That the show would make a rapist one of their protagonists and the hero of the battle in the finale.
12) Ignoring that Word of God said she did not mass rape the townspeople.

I'm sympathetic to people being sensitive to any sign of distress in a sexual context and feeling concerned but that should be followed by examining the rest of the situation to work out what's going on so you know for sure. And it's also very clear that majority of this discourse is not based on that understandable reaction but on whatever particular motivation someone would need to pop up every time Yennefer's name comes up to insist she's a rapist but not chime in that Jaskier's one for using his wish to force a woman to have sex with him - to say nothing of book!Dandelion, of "the show ruined everything by not being more true to his character in the book" fame, who uses his wish to try to force someone who's refused all the men who've asked to fuck him precisely because she didn't want to. (The same motivation, presumably, leaves people more upset she told Geralt to take a bath than that she almost got him killed.)

Please, let us focus the discourse where it belongs: on how incredibly and astoundingly irresponsible Yennefer is.

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